Game doesn't read nvidia processor

Feb 19, 2019
All games (for example: Watch dogs 2, farcry 5 and atc.) works perfectly but NBA 2K19 doesn't work right anymore. It always worked but now, when I try to play it, forcing to use nvidia, it still uses integrated graphics: intel.. Didn't work before nvidia updates and does not work after not sure what to do, help!
And what is this device? laptop? what the exact model?
desktop? what the full spec?
It's laptop. Lenovo legion Y520.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, (boost up to 3.40GHz)
RAM: 8.00 GB
and not sure how this should be mentioned because there are 2
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050Ti 4GB
integrated graphics intel 630(as far as I remember)
++++ edit
I turned on NIVIDA GPU activity (shows when program is using it)
Every game does expect Nba(even tried to change default setting in various situations and etc)
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disable integrated graphics from bios so your pc can only read NVIDIA or in device managmend > display > disable integrated graphics
you can alsoe try to open your game setting and see if you can choose between both of them or not
Try this...

A. Uninstall, and then reinstall, the latest graphics card driver.
B. Make sure that your Nvidia graphics card is set as the default graphics card.

Here's the steps on how to set it to default.

  1. Open the "Nvidia Control Panel".
  2. Select "Manage 3D Settings" under 3D Settings.
  3. Click on the "Program Settings" tab and select the program you want to choose a graphics card for from the drop down list.
  4. Now select "preferred graphics processor" in the drop down list. (You can see what the automatic option is listed as global setting) If you want to use the dedicated graphics card, select High-performance Nvidia processor.

Once it is running on the right one, test the system again and see if the problem persists.