First off your characterization of the ZQ incident is based on very regressive gender roles. ZQ's ex-boyfriend was a victim of clear domestic abuse. Domestic abuse from a woman who sexually assaulted someone then got together with her friends to bully that person, shut down a charity whose sole goal is to fully fund female game developers, and lied to start a vicious raid against a community for people suffering from depression.
The feminists over at TFYC have given an extensive interview about the harassment, doxxing, and threats they've dealt with:
The gaming media, instead of reporting on any of this honestly, chose to close ranks and spin a false narrative that hordes of white male virgin "misogynerds" from 4chan were running a hate campaign against women filled with sockpuppets.
The truth is we have passport photos and even live video proving this isn't the "white male misogynist harassment campaign" you and others have been told it is: https

/, tweets
/ https

Similarly we have found hard evidence of a great deal of corruption from conflicts of interest, journalists being paid by the PR agents of people they were writing about, and even potential criminal racketeering involving the IGF.
Moreover the claim that gamergate is harassing people is not only wrong but virtually completely backwards. Women and minorities in gamergave have been called "house ni**ers" and targeted for harassment and abuse, even doxxing and threats, for speaking out against SJWs who use them as a shield.
In fact Zoe Quinn has herself retweeted offers to pay people Nintendo demo codes if they'll post false-flag racism and threats to her under the #gamergate tag:
As well as having personally participated in the doxxing and threatening of even children with violence:

Let alone developers:
Or anyone else that dares disagree with them, here's just a HANDFUL of the vicious abuse thrown at anyone supporting #gamergate:
Terrorists (http

Pathetic (http

Racist (http

Nerds (http

Parasites (http

Worthless (http

Deserving death (http

Confederates, Neo-NAZIs (https

Misogynists (http

Drug users (https

Dweebs (https

NAZIs (http

Subhuman (http

Sociopaths (http

Scum (http

Morons (http

Fat (http

Nonexistent (http

Hateful (http

Autistic (http

Deserving violence (http

Bullies (http

Racial slurs (https

Enablers of child pornography/Pedophiles: (http

/ (This added in replacement of the Racial Slurs one as an example of some of the vitriol.)
Peddlers of child porn: (http

Threatened with violence (https

Shit (http

Manbabies (http

Terrible people (http

And best of all?—?Trash: