Gamers Turn to Downloads During Recession

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Aug 27, 2006
"Instead of going to the store and picking up three or four games, they're buying that one big game each week"

If the quality of games were like before, then maybe people would start spending more. What we usually get are buggy, something that looks from 1996, or half-finished.


Apr 8, 2008
As if it has anything to do with the recession.

If game devs would come up with quality games, then the gaming population would not mind spending the extra bucks.

Problem is, most games that were published between today and 2005 were and are complete and utter cow-dung.

Due to the lengthy gap between true quality games, the consumer is losing faith in the game industry in terms of quality.

However in order to sort of defend the recession theory, it is true that gamers would normally buy more games because they would have more money, so with the money being scarce gamers tend to try before they buy. (but this is also tied in with the quality issues)


Jul 13, 2008
i've think this article is stupid ,

1. new games cost teh same on download and in store
2. only total noobs play games on phones NOT REAL GAMERS
3. gamers arn't bitting cos we are getting tired of "remixed" games , sure it is fun to see an old game redone ( such as doom 3 or the new turok ) but for the most part we want something new , not something old, repackaged.

on that note , this re-packaging of old games with new graphics , is making teh industry look less and less talented and less creative, sure I know ther are vbery creative poeple int eh buisness , but how are consummers supposed to realize this when all you churn out is a remake of the same game all the time? we need NEW IP , original ip that deosnt have a "been there done that " feel , even if it uses an old genre.


Jul 13, 2008

reason 4 why this article is dumb

there is not anew big game every week, try every 6-8 months ther are about 1-3 big games but there certainly isnt a new big title game every week

P.P.S. last game i got was was Saints row 2 over steam (they had a sale for one day it was 7.50) but well i can see why it was on sale, the game was poorly poorly optimized for pc ... hell feels like it wasn't optimized at all actually i got a bunch of games that look and run waaaayy better than it looks or runs.
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