Gaming laptop $1450 pls help

ss unknown ss

Nov 8, 2015
Hey! I am trying to get my hands on a gaming laptop that is under $1450. I was thinking this laptop:
but it only has 8gb of ram. I want to upgrade this to 16gb. I know it's possible, but would anyone know what kind of ram I need, ando where I can find a guide for installing it on this specific laptop? Also, if you have any other suggestions on my choice of laptop, please let me knowith! Thanks!

Well they certainly don't make it easy to find out. Take the model direct to Gigabyte and it returns a motherboard that shares no alphanumerics with the search term... Support only has the simple user's guide, no service manual to speak of.

I would guess nearly any DDR4 2133 SODIMM would work, but to match the timings I think you are going to have to wait until you get it.
