Hey guys. I've been around for a while, but not super active.. I'm having fun on my current desktop rig at home, chugging along in BF3 and keeping up with my competitive teams in Call of Duty 4.
I am about to go through a life-changing period here; just got accepted to a school just outside of Beijing, China, for full-time mandarin lessons for 6 months. I aim to become conversationally-fluent, come back to Canada, and get a job on a police force somewhere.
I can't bring my rig with me, and I have a basic laptop (i3, 4gb ram, 15.6") that I use in front of the TV. I want to have a "home comfort" while I'm overseas, and as gaming is such a large part of my life right now I wanted to bring something with me that I could still connect with my friends on back home. That leaves gaming laptops in the mix.
Right now, I see a couple options:
Bring my standard word-processing laptop, sell my current rig (it will depreciate past the point of use by the time I get back, may as well just buy a new rig then). Save up for when I get back... and just try to get by.
Buy a gaming rig that comfortably handles BF3 on, say, high graphics... something that I will be able to use for a while after I get back until I get my feet under myself and sell/upgrade to a desktop again (<3 24" monitor...). Sell current desktop (see note above).
Do you guys have any suggestions, being gamers that leave their rigs for school or whatnot? How did you fare in an unfamiliar environment? Would it be worth going for the upgraded laptop so I will have something to hold on to while I'm over there?
That all being said, I have specced out a barebones MSI 17" with a GTX 570m, 1080p display, 12GB of ddr1333, 500gb hdd, room for my 120gb SSD, and the upgraded backlit steelseries keyboard for around $1400ish after tax.
What are your thoughts guys? I KNOW desktop rigs are a better bang for my buck, but this is more about paying the premium for a gaming laptop so that I can play with my friends while overseas for 6 months.
I am about to go through a life-changing period here; just got accepted to a school just outside of Beijing, China, for full-time mandarin lessons for 6 months. I aim to become conversationally-fluent, come back to Canada, and get a job on a police force somewhere.
I can't bring my rig with me, and I have a basic laptop (i3, 4gb ram, 15.6") that I use in front of the TV. I want to have a "home comfort" while I'm overseas, and as gaming is such a large part of my life right now I wanted to bring something with me that I could still connect with my friends on back home. That leaves gaming laptops in the mix.
Right now, I see a couple options:
Bring my standard word-processing laptop, sell my current rig (it will depreciate past the point of use by the time I get back, may as well just buy a new rig then). Save up for when I get back... and just try to get by.
Buy a gaming rig that comfortably handles BF3 on, say, high graphics... something that I will be able to use for a while after I get back until I get my feet under myself and sell/upgrade to a desktop again (<3 24" monitor...). Sell current desktop (see note above).
Do you guys have any suggestions, being gamers that leave their rigs for school or whatnot? How did you fare in an unfamiliar environment? Would it be worth going for the upgraded laptop so I will have something to hold on to while I'm over there?
That all being said, I have specced out a barebones MSI 17" with a GTX 570m, 1080p display, 12GB of ddr1333, 500gb hdd, room for my 120gb SSD, and the upgraded backlit steelseries keyboard for around $1400ish after tax.
What are your thoughts guys? I KNOW desktop rigs are a better bang for my buck, but this is more about paying the premium for a gaming laptop so that I can play with my friends while overseas for 6 months.