Gaming Notebook Decision


May 30, 2006
I need a notebook for college that I can do work on and also play the latest games (FEAR, GRAW, BF2, COD2,ect...). I've looked at all the notebook vendors I can find Dell, Alienware, Ibuypower, Toshiba, Sony, Killernotebooks,....... and only Dell and Alienware have everything that I need. My budget is approx. $3000 including 3yr warranty. Planning to buy this summer probably before Core 2 Duo (Merom) comes out.

Here are my 3 choices so far:

Model: E1705
CoreDuo T2600 2.16GHz
2GB DDR2 667MHz
100GB 7,200rpm SATA HDD
Integrated Sound Blaster Audigy ADVANCED HD Audio
256MB Go 7900 GS
XP Media Center ed.

Model: XPS M1710 (black version)
CoreDou T2400 1.83GHz
1GB DDR2 667MHz
80GB 7,200rpm SATA HDD
Integrated Sound Blaster Audigy ADVANCED HD Audio
512MB Go 7900 GTX
XP Media Center ed.

Model: Aurora m9700
Turion ML-34 1.8GHz
2GB DDR 400MHz
80GB 7,200 SATA HDD
Dual 256MB Go 7900 GS SLI
Integrated Sound
XP Media Center ed.

Turion vs CoreDuo ?
1gig Ram vs 2gig Ram ?
Faster CPU less GPU - or - better GPU and less CPU speed ?
XP MCE vs XP pro ?
Integrated audio vs Integrated SB Audigy HD ?
Go7900 GS vs Go7900GTX vs Dual Go7900 GS ?

Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Well, what is it that you need. I sure wouldn't spend 3 grand on a rig like that with a 32 bit processor in it.

You said it yourself when Intels Golden Mermaid comes out you are going to see a huge push to 64 bit.
I am not too worried about 64 bit as of now. When Vista & DX10 are out next year and 64 bit is more common I plan to build a destop system that will have 64 bit. I just need a notebook that can get me through 4 yrs of college for the purpose of papers, presentations, Internet, ect. and has a good enough video card to last until I build my desktop system in a year or two.
What is the difference in performance in the Core Duo line-up

Is there a huge difference between the T2400 and the T2600 that is worth the extra cost?
Then I am confused why you are spending 3 grand on such a system.

But sometimes I think back and wonder how we ever wrote WORD documents without 256 MB of video memory.
I don't think you guys quite understand what I'm trying to say.

I know that I can type word docs on a crappy computer with no vid card that costs $400. The purpose of productivity applications will work on any computer I get. I have to have a computer for 4 yrs of college to do that.

On top of that, though, I need a computer that will be able to play games for at least 2yrs. I do not care about 64 bit right now. It is not all that important at all to me. Windows Vista comes in 32bit and 64 bit on the same DVD. By the time 64 bit games and stuff are common place my notebook, whatever It may be, will be obsolete.

My buget is set at ~$3000. I'm not paying the whole price the rest is a gift. So I goning to take advantage of that. Why buy a Honda Civic when a person says they got $100,000 to spend.

So maybe you could stop about how I'm wasting money and take a look at my original questions and give some real feedback.
If that were so then why is Intel giving their 64 bit notebook project both barrels? They have moved up their timetable already and are 2 months ahead of schedule to release them this summer.

1. You are going to see a dramatic shift to 64 bit, not 2 years from now but this time next year.

2. Turion: Intel get's their butt handed to them on gaming by AMD, and if the "core-duo" was as good as they originally claimed they wouldn't be putting the rubber to the road on the Mermaid.

3. You are going to have this thing for 4 years. Why not wait less than a month and get the Turion X2 dual core which will smoke those systems you have listed for three grand?

4. MCE is a piece of garbage IMHO. I have built a lot of media center & xp pro machines and do yourself a favor and get XP Pro. It can mimic everything MCE can do with software.

5. I think integrated "soundblaster compatible" audio is fine, you have to remember this is pumping through 1" speakers.

6. 2 Gigs of RAM

7. Any of those video cards are going to be more than you need for what you say you are using it for. Get more CPU than GPU.

8. Since you aren't paying for all of it, and the rest is, "a gift" I can give you an invoice with whatever you want it to say. There's the Killer Notebooks difference. Looking out for the end user, and not the end user's parents! 😛
Thanks for the feedback.

I've been waiting for the Turion X2, but I didn't know when it was specifically supposed to come out. I'm planning on buying this summer, but no later than July. I have to have a computer before classes start.

I know Intel is making a big 64 bit push, but the time for total 64 bit take over is not in one year. As I said I'll be building a desktop sometime in the next one or two years that will definatley have 64bit. If windows Vista supports both 64 and 32 bit then I can guarantee that total 64 bit take over is a ways off and that 32 bit will serve me just fine for now if Turion x2 is delayed and I am forced to go with Core Duo or Turion single core.

And just in case you aren't being sarcastic with

Intel "Mermaid"

the name is actually Merom

otherwise no big deal
I wrote to Intel and told them to change it to "Mermaid" because it was a fruity-mythical-fantasy type chip again. So until they "officially" change it, I call it the Mermaid Queenor just the Mermaid.

I can't fight Intel anymore, you want it, you got it...

15.4" WXGA 1280x800
Intel CORE-DUO 2.0 GHz
1 Gig RAM
100 Gig 7,200 rpm SATA Hard Drive
x1600 256 MB
DVD/CDRW Combo Drive
802.11 a/b/g/G+ 108 Mbps Wireless
Built-in Azalia audio chip, with 3D effect & full duplex
Built-in Stereo Speakers and Microphone
3-in-1 Card Reader

I finally got so sick of hearing about DELL's XPS...

17" WSXGA+ (1680x1050) or WUXGA (1920x1200)
Intel 2.0 GHz Core Duo CPU
1 Gig DDR2 667Mhz Memory
100 Gig 7,200 rpm SATA Hard Drive
8x24x24x24 DVD/CDRW Combo Drive
nVidia GeForce Go 7900 GTX PCI-Express 256MB
Web Camera
802.11 G+ Wireless
Windows XP Pro

If your going to spend $3,000 on a laptop. Go with 64 bit. Since you said you are going to keep it for the next 4 years. My laptop a Compaq V2000 has the ATI X200M. That will play all the new games. I bought this last July. Plus it has 64 bit.
Boss, I'll put that right on my site as a trade in and sell it for you so you can have an appropriate laptop for anyone with BOSS in their name.

I would also get AMD 64 bit, but I can't keep posting the same rants over and over, it's one small voice against Intels Mega-Million dollar marketing campaign. I can only lead the horse to water.

As a side-bar, since I put 1 Intel core-duo on my site last night my emails have tripled today with inquireys about it.
Boss, I'll put that right on my site as a trade in and sell it for you so you can have an appropriate laptop for anyone with BOSS in their name.

I would also get AMD 64 bit, but I can't keep posting the same rants over and over, it's one small voice against Intels Mega-Million dollar marketing campaign. I can only lead the horse to water.

As a side-bar, since I put 1 Intel core-duo on my site last night my emails have tripled today with inquireys about it.
You have to do what you have to do to stay in business. AMD kicks Intels butt. In gaming all day long. My main rig is 2.4C OCEd to 3.0. When I upgrade it will be AMD. Why becuse AMD wins in gaming.
I love AMD, and I hope they can pull it out here, but it looks like Intel (if the hype is true) is about to regain the upper hard, and retain it if AMD doesn't have an ACE up their sleeve.