Gaming/work notebook suggestions


Dec 4, 2016
Hi all, I did a search and just confused myself even more. As of right now, I'm running a 2 yr old HP Envy, i7-4510u, 16gb ram @ 1600, gtx 850m. It's been a great notebook, but it's starting to be outperformed by its tasks. I do a lot of 3D modeling and CAD work, am learning computer security stuff, and want to get back into gaming on computer rather than console.

My multi part question is this:
1) Among the following, which seems to be the preferred of casual gamers/professionals: MSI, EVGA, Asus (RoG Strix), HP?

(Note: pretend all are set up with the same components, 17.3", i7-6700, 16-32gb ram, gtx 980/1060. Looking for quality of product, fit/finish, warranty/customer service of company, etc.)

2) Will there be amazing enough product releases in the next year to justify limping along? (New cpu's, gpu's, etc.)

3) When picking a machine, does RAM frequency and CAS really matter? What I mean is does it matter enough to justify spending more on a machine that can use 3000 MHz than a 2400 MHz when the CAS would be higher? (Just not sure the real world difference, or if it's even noticeable.)

4) Your opinions on a <$2k machine? I'm in a power wheelchair, so weight isn't really an issue, as long as it's not more than 9-10 lbs. My only real requirements would be: best potential for retained value/performance, able to handle pretty much any game I throw at it with reasonable performance, able to run Fusion 360/ AutoCAD/ Maya/ Inventor/ 3DS with ZERO lag (getting a little lag with current system with some renderings), customizable backlighting colors. Form factor isn't a huge deal, I would love for it to look awesome, but 'awesome' is subjective. Might even consider a 15.6".

Sorry for the long post, figured it'd be easier to get all q's asked at once rather than post 4 different threads. Thanks in advance for the help.

Your friendly neighborhood Stephen Hawking wannabe.

These are all great choices.The updated AW 15/17 are also worth considering
To OP,Definitely go with GTX 1070. 980M is a good card but it's older and slower
1)All of them are good brands really. ASUS and MSI make more gaming laptops than HP. (EVGA is a different story because they don't make as much laptops as the others)
2)You can never say for sure what's around the corner
3)Not really,the difference isn't notable
4)Any laptop with a GTX 1070/1080 will suit your needs.
Ok, thanks for the response! In answer, here is the question form that i overlooked initially... Any recommendations based on this info?

1. What is your budget? *<$2000

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering? *17, but would consider 15 for the right price difference ($200 or more)

3. What screen resolution do you want? *FHD or QHD, UHD would be nice, but not necessary.

4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop? *Weight doesn't matter as long as it is <10 lbs.

5. How much battery life do you need? *3 hrs min

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)? *BF1 on Med or High, GoW4 on Med or High

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo/Video editing, Etc.) *3D CAD design, AutoDesk CAD, Fusion 360, Maya, Inventor, 3DS, etc

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need? *At least 128Gb SSD w/ at least 500Gb HDD

9. If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links. *No specific sites. Have looked at HIDEvolution, Newegg, BHPhotovideo

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop? *Until obsolete/ 5+ yrs(?)

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ? *Doesn't matter

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons. *Preferred: HP- I've always had HP's, they're familiar; ASUS, MSI, Clevo- I've heard good things, no experience though. I'm a little leery simply because I don't know much about them.
Unsure: Alienware- Back in the day (2006/7) these were great, have heard mixed since then.
NO: Acer, Lenovo

13. What country do you live in? *USA

14. Please tell us any additional information if needed. *Not sure between GTX 980m, 1060, & 1070. Would like overclockable components if possible.


These are all great choices.The updated AW 15/17 are also worth considering
To OP,Definitely go with GTX 1070. 980M is a good card but it's older and slower
Right on, thanks for the input. I have one last request/question to further myself in this, well, endeavor. Can those who have replied/read put these in order of preference? I'm unfortunately cursed with indecision on stuff like this... I'm finding a lot of similar laptops (in terms of hardware) for very similar pricing.

Here's what I'm considering my top 6, not in order of preference. Please rank them as if they have same components, but please consider things like warranty, longevity (i'm going to baby this thing and keep things clean), and customer service, as well as overall quality of products. Thanks for your input.
