Garage Sale Pillaging



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Nothing really major to brag about but...

I wanted to be sure I had 1st dibs on the Sega Genesis with 44 CD's
advertised in paper at garage sale.
I got there at 7:45am (stats at 8) already like 4 cars in front of house!

There it was Sega Genesis with Sega Cd and 32X add on. (those were loose)
In the box 44 games 16 Sega CD titles, 8 32X titles, and 20 Genesis Titles
All the games in awesome condition. I never seen Sega CD games in perfect
condition, with warranty cards, cds NM, no boxes cracked and not even a
scratch on them.

It was $120 (coughs), they said $100 so I took it.... unfortunely quite a
few sports titles but it did come with some games I didn't have. I figured I
saved it from destruction from a family of many kids waiting to destroy it.
Will keep everything I don't have and sell rest. Still seems like $100 is a
lot though. I would say there were about 20 games I didn't have. Including
couple interesting ones like Night Trap 32X version and Mutant League


Went to some side street sale and picked up a Magnavox CD-i system loose
(older style with 1 hand remote controller) with 5 disks for $5.
Yeahhhh a new game system to add to my collection! (I hope it works)


Went to the white trash ghetto community sales. Was a treat to hear the guy
use the F word repeatedly in front of child. Nice area to raise your kids...
(been known to have crystal meth labs in that area).
Big sign says video game sale...
She had a lot of NES titles like over 100. $2 but kinda general titles. I
found out she collects them owns over 400 (well thats night right... white
trash ghetto lady has more games than I do?) I bought Heimdale for Sega CD
for $1 from her. Went back later was trying to make a lot deal on Sega
Genesis games they were $2. I suppose thats decent price in box and all. I
bought few games nothing rare. Indie game Target Earth, Ms Pacman, Ren
Stimpy, and Lost Vikings...

I was considering going back and make a table offer on everything. I dunno
more exciting finding stuff in the wild than just buying large amounts from
1 person or on eBay.

Bought Vampire Hunters board game... maybe in 20 years it will be the next
'Dark Tower' rarity? (laughs maybe not).

I spent some cash and got lots of stuff but don't quite have that warm fuzzy
feeling inside 😉

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Huge haul of games. Do you come across Dreamcast games much in these
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This summer I have found more than usual.

Pick one up here and there for $1 or $2. I drove a ways to go to a community
garage sale event and came across Dreamcast with about 12 games. He was kind
of a collector asked if I had Turbo Duo/Graphix so he was aware of eBay and
such. Talked him down to $50 which I really just wanted the games. It was a
gamble but I sold system on ebay with couple games I already had and got $30
for it.

I picked up a system with stack of really beat up games for $2. It didn't
work (laughs). I suppose the memory card and controllers were worth the $2.
You should of seen the condition of the CD's - amazing I think they used
sand paper to clean them.

One garage sale had games for $10 each! Not sure what they were thinking...

I try to break even so if I do buy a lot deal I can resell and end up paying
nothing for games I keep. Nice for the budget :) That way in the future when
I do find some wacky pirate systems online I feel I am putting money back
into my collection.

<> wrote in message
> Huge haul of games. Do you come across Dreamcast games much in these
> venues?
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote in news:1123380767.171028.186060

> Huge haul of games. Do you come across Dreamcast games much in these
> venues?

You lookin' for some? 8*) I have a nice DC collection w/ an official set
of Maracas and Sonic Adventure LE I'm parting with.

Chuck Whitby - Founder
East Coast Gaming Expo
"It's the games"
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I have one Dreamcast complete system & I picked up two Dreamcast units
at a flea market for $5 last year. One of the two fired up and worked
okay using my existing cables. Haven't seen many games at flea markets,
thrift stores, or yard sales myself. I could use another set of cables
for that second unit (power cord, A/V cable, and a controller or two)
if any of you guys would like to do some trading.

I've got "Toughman Contest" and "Virtua Racing" in boxes for Sega
Genesis 32X if you need those titles. I don't even have the 32X Gen so
I won't need them.

Don't need another system, but let me know if about any extra cables.

e-mail me at russell_walls(at)
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In article <>,
"VastFear" <> wrote:

> One garage sale had games for $10 each! Not sure what they were thinking...

Oh, they must have seen a rerun of Antiques Roadblow - ere - Roadshow.

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Yeah I didn't $100 for one of my Atari 2600 systems on eBay....

I think they were getting their information from the local Goodwill.

"jt august" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> "VastFear" <> wrote:
>> One garage sale had games for $10 each! Not sure what they were
>> thinking...
> Oh, they must have seen a rerun of Antiques Roadblow - ere - Roadshow.
> jt
Archived from groups: (More info?)

I access this newsgroup through Google Groups which does not seem to
allow me access to alt.binaries.dreamcast. Sorry to ask a Noob
question, but how do I access alt.binaries.dreamcast from online?
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On 7 Aug 2005 07:40:04 -0700, wrote:

>I have one Dreamcast complete system & I picked up two Dreamcast units
>at a flea market for $5 last year. One of the two fired up and worked
>okay using my existing cables. Haven't seen many games at flea markets,
>thrift stores, or yard sales myself. I could use another set of cables
>for that second unit (power cord, A/V cable, and a controller or two)
>if any of you guys would like to do some trading.
>I've got "Toughman Contest" and "Virtua Racing" in boxes for Sega
>Genesis 32X if you need those titles. I don't even have the 32X Gen so
>I won't need them.
>Don't need another system, but let me know if about any extra cables.
>e-mail me at russell_walls(at)

why would you be hunting for DC games when you get the complete images
in alt.binaries.dreamcast. In one month of visiting I was able to
fill an entire spindle.
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I have all of the 'backups'.

But I still snag them when I find them in the wild.

It's like the NES, a lot of people tell me just use the emu instead.
Wouldn't it be cool though to own the entire library on cartridge?

Just an OCD thing with collecting stuff!

"jeff" <> wrote in message
> On 7 Aug 2005 07:40:04 -0700, wrote:
>>I have one Dreamcast complete system & I picked up two Dreamcast units
>>at a flea market for $5 last year. One of the two fired up and worked
>>okay using my existing cables. Haven't seen many games at flea markets,
>>thrift stores, or yard sales myself. I could use another set of cables
>>for that second unit (power cord, A/V cable, and a controller or two)
>>if any of you guys would like to do some trading.
>>I've got "Toughman Contest" and "Virtua Racing" in boxes for Sega
>>Genesis 32X if you need those titles. I don't even have the 32X Gen so
>>I won't need them.
>>Don't need another system, but let me know if about any extra cables.
>>e-mail me at russell_walls(at)
> why would you be hunting for DC games when you get the complete images
> in alt.binaries.dreamcast. In one month of visiting I was able to
> fill an entire spindle.
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jeff wrote:
> On 7 Aug 2005 07:40:04 -0700, wrote:
>>I have one Dreamcast complete system & I picked up two Dreamcast units
>>at a flea market for $5 last year. One of the two fired up and worked
>>okay using my existing cables. Haven't seen many games at flea markets,
>>thrift stores, or yard sales myself. I could use another set of cables
>>for that second unit (power cord, A/V cable, and a controller or two)
>>if any of you guys would like to do some trading.
>>I've got "Toughman Contest" and "Virtua Racing" in boxes for Sega
>>Genesis 32X if you need those titles. I don't even have the 32X Gen so
>>I won't need them.
>>Don't need another system, but let me know if about any extra cables.
>>e-mail me at russell_walls(at)
> why would you be hunting for DC games when you get the complete images
> in alt.binaries.dreamcast. In one month of visiting I was able to
> fill an entire spindle.

The same reason some people pay $1,000,000 for a painting when they
could have a print for $10.

The same reason some people pay $50,000 for a baseball card when they
can download a scan for free.
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Download Shareaza: (this one by far has the most choices of things to

Setting it up can be little tricky.
- Set it to Power user (I think its called)
- Make sure both Gnutella and eDonkey is set to connect when Shareza starts
- At startup on the left it should show:
Gnutella 1: Connected
Gnutella 2: Connected
Edonkey: 2 hubs

To search for movies select video
To search for programs/roms/isos etc select Applications
To search for mp3s: select audio

Look in the list with ones that have most people and fastest times. If its
obscure (I snag obscure horror movies) it can take quite awhile to get the
complete download. (Leave PC on all the time)

etc etc.

Also you can do bittorrents through Shareaza

Use it to look for torrents... and select Open to download through Shareaza

Once you download every iso/rom you can find then I will give you my address
and you can send me all your originals 😀


<> wrote in message
>I access this newsgroup through Google Groups which does not seem to
> allow me access to alt.binaries.dreamcast. Sorry to ask a Noob
> question, but how do I access alt.binaries.dreamcast from online?
Archived from groups: (More info?)

VastFear wrote:
> Download Shareaza: (this one by far has the most choices of things to
> download)

Shareaza is not usenet (newsgroups). Totally different, and inferior beast.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Yes true but lots and lots of emulation and isos there for all systems. Just
click and download.

"MrBiggles" <> wrote in message
> VastFear wrote:
>> Download Shareaza: (this one by far has the most choices of things to
>> download)
> Shareaza is not usenet (newsgroups). Totally different, and inferior
> beast.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

VastFear wrote:
> Yes true but lots and lots of emulation and isos there for all systems. Just
> click and download.

And it's also true that usenet binaries groups kick shareaza's ass any day.
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"VastFear" <> wrote in

> Yes used lingerie at the thrift stores is #2 on my list over video
> games....

Worst... skid marks... ever!


Aaron J. Bossig