Gateway 7811-fx laptop Blank Screen


Sep 12, 2009
Hey guys somethings seriously wrong with my computer. Whenever I try to run high end games now my display will suddenly just go white after awhile but everything will still be running. Can somebody help me please? Gateway's tech support sucks and apparently my comp aint got any kind of factory warrenty despite the fact I've had it less than a year.
its overheating, your graphic processor has not been given proper cooling for high end games. keep doing that and finaly your laptop will die
Hmm how can I fix this issue then? Ironically we had basically narrowed it down to either overheating or just a hardware problem. luckily I just bought a cooling pad platform thing today but I have noticed that one of my fans doesn't seem to be working when I look under the computer.... is there like some program or settings I can check on my fans?
You should install the latest BIOS update if you are having fan problems. It might also help keep the temps down on your video card. I had fan issues on my 7811fx until I installed the 9c.12.00 BIOS. Also use the cooler all the time, and make sure you disable any software overclocking if you have it. This laptop can't overclock well, I know from experience. Here's a link to the BIOS update for ya: