Get Your Own Turbine-powered Batmobile for $620,000

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[citation][nom]memadmax[/nom]Jet engines will run on practically anything that burns. Just like diesel engines...And no, don't expect 30 mpg with this thing, think more like 2-5 mpg =OBut hey, if ur poppin 620k for this thing, fuel price is far far far far far far from ur mind.....[/citation]

At 2,800 Lbs I would expect the gas mileage to actually be quite good unless you're stomping on the gas all the time. Ever notice how MPG seems to be mostly effected by weight. Such as a 6 cylinder truck having nearly the same gas mileage as a much larger V8.

Plus with the much higher energy density of Aviation fuel (~44MJ/kg) vs Gasoline (~33MG/kg). I wouldn't be surprised if it hit 20 - 25 MPG highway.
Not many places in the city where you can buy aviation fuel....

So how much is the car without the iPad? Or how much if it came with an iPad2 instead?
the poor sucker that winds up behind this thing! how much thrust does this thing produce, it's sure to wreck any eco car let alone the guy behind it's mileage.
will be very useful for making many marylin monroe moments in the rear view.
I liked it until I saw the 'ipad'. That's like taking a Ferrari 458, removing the engine, and placing a Corolla engine in there. I would want custom-fit LCD screens and an OS that can actually run all the ancillary systems, not some ipad in the middle of the console.

Look at the interior - it's well done except for the ipad sitting right in the middle like some cheap mod to a used car.
[citation][nom]f-14[/nom]the poor sucker that winds up behind this thing! how much thrust does this thing produce[/citation]

I think its supposed to function more like a turbo-prop, in which the turbine engine provides most of the power by turning a prop as opposed to blowing air like a turbo-fan/jet (or like a turbine engine in a tank). A lot of smaller turbine engines put out exhaust through pipes rather than shooting it out the back
Thats one nice car i tell ya whut.
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[citation][nom]greghome[/nom]Is it road legal?[/citation]
If you bothered to read the article you'd have seen that it was. You can't register a car for the road unless it's been inspected and passed as road-legal.

[citation][nom]velocityg4[/nom]At 2,800 Lbs I would expect the gas mileage to actually be quite good unless you're stomping on the gas all the time. Ever notice how MPG seems to be mostly effected by weight. Such as a 6 cylinder truck having nearly the same gas mileage as a much larger V8.Plus with the much higher energy density of Aviation fuel (~44MJ/kg) vs Gasoline (~33MG/kg). I wouldn't be surprised if it hit 20 - 25 MPG highway.[/citation]
There's a slight mistake you made there, though: gallons are a measure of volume, not mass. You also gave the specific energy (energy per mass) rather than "energy density," which is energy per volume.

These would be interchangeable *if* the two substances were of the same mass-to-volume ratio ("density," or to avoid confusion, "specific gravity") but they are not. Pretty close to all gasoline blends intended for automotive use have a higher specific gravity than other petrolium-based fuels, including aviation gasoline blends. Once you switch to "energy per liter," avgas goes from looking attractive at 44 MJ/kg to only about 31.6 MJ/l.

Of course, for aircraft, this is perfectly fine: weight is the main consideration when designing the things; all aircraft have plenty of empty spaces in them that could easily be used for storing more volume of fuel, but fuel weight dramatically impacts performance. For automobiles, it's the opposite: given their consumption rate and practical driving ranges, the weight of fuel becomes virtually negligible for a car. However, the volume does pose a design concern, especially given the protective measures necessary, given how automotive gasoline is quite possibly the most flammable of all petroleum-derived fuels.

However, you are quite correct on your point with mileage; 2,800 lbs. is less than half the 5,800 lbs. of the infamous Cadillac Escalade, and less than a third that of the 8,600 lbs. of the dreaded Hummer H2.
The only reason I wouldn't buy it is because of the Apple iPad installed. If they put a Galaxy Tab in there I'd 100% bid.
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