Getting the right alienware fx


Mar 8, 2012
I have an Alienware area 51 m17x. I have attempted to install the Command Center on this machine, however Command Center recognizes the machine as an Dell Alienware m17x. So when I go into the fx it shows up as the first generation Dell Alienware model not the original Alienware Ripley model. My question is this: When the Command Center recognizes the wrong model is there anyway to fix it? Such as changing the registry perhaps? I think the model number for the area 51 listed in the registry is F17RipleyNPL.
Thanks for any help that can be had I know this is an ancient alien lol,
For the benefit of any others who might have this problem it really isn't that hard to fix. First you need to know the correct alienware registry model entry. Second you need to locate the Dell alienware registry fix for the keyboard issue.
Here is what I did for my model: area 51 m17 x
DL the CC (latest that works with this model)
Fixed the model entry in the registry to F17RipleyNLP and restart
DL the Dell patch for the keyboard, apply and restart
Open CC, close the current theme and open a new one and save it
Presto, working alien fx lights!
Hope this helps anyone else out there