Solved! Gigabyte MB software/driver problems

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Feb 11, 2019
Is every time I start my computer up I get 3 error messages that pop up. Just to clarify I’ve never tried overclocking the computer because it’s a brand new build. I have an H370 gaming 3 WiFi MB.

1) exception in Ini_OC_XML()
-object reference not set to an instance of an object. The overclocking function will be disabled.
2) Ini service fail: specified method is not supported

So I tried turning off XMP and making sure that was all good. Then I got more adivce on trying to uninstall easytuner and then I got another error message
- Ini service fail: EasyTuneEngineService was not found on this computer.

I have no clue on how to fix it so advice and help would be much appreciated!
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