Solved! Gigaworks t40 or Kratos s5?


Jul 2, 2017
Upgrading my whole setup soon and want to toss out my old crappy $20 speakers for something a lot better. I heard the creative sound gigaworks t40 is really good but the Kratos is pretty new and comes with a subwoofer and they are both about the same price. Which one is better or are there any other speakers out there for about the same price that are even better.i don't know a ton about audio stuff I just want some great sounding gear lol any help would be great.

Kratos s5

Gigaworks t40

I also already have a sound blaster ZX soundcard if that means anything as far as what speakers to get and what can take advantage of the sound card also if you have any recommendations for a better soundcard that would be nice too because I'm building a new PC too and I've heard a lot of people say it's actually pretty bad so I was looking into different options
Gigaworks T40 series II gets my vote since the former option is more eye candy laden over priced junk. Since the Cambridge Soundworks era from Creative, everything has been downhill from Creative's camp. I must ask though are the T40's brand new or used?
Gigaworks T40 series II gets my vote since the former option is more eye candy laden over priced junk. Since the Cambridge Soundworks era from Creative, everything has been downhill from Creative's camp. I must ask though are the T40's brand new or used?

they would be new, they are on sale on the creative website rn for $30 so i was thinking of jumping on it