Girl Gets 'Schoolgirl' Porn Instead of DVD Yearbook

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Schoolgirl porn and being around school girls all the time, I'd be concerned too. It's one thing to like one or the other, but it's worrysome.
[citation][nom]TA152H[/nom]Or, imagine a guy that watched porn with adult women (meaning over 18), and then was allowed on the street with real women. In fact, he'd rape them all and should not be allowed in public.[/citation]

Not the same as having specific fetishes. Did he even plan to put the DVD in the pile because it turned him on to shock a little girl / boy find that porn dvd? I know I'm pushing, but is it?
[citation][nom]eyemaster[/nom]Not the same as having specific fetishes. Did he even plan to put the DVD in the pile because it turned him on to shock a little girl / boy find that porn dvd? I know I'm pushing, but is it?[/citation]

Seriously... School girl porn is a fetish? Do you realize that almost 25% of all the porn out there involves school girl costumes? Thats up to 98% if you go to Japan.
Yearbooks on DVDs?? What is this, how can you sign a dvd yearbook! Glad i got to save my memories in a real yearbook....
OH NO he watches school girl porn... just like a large majority of guys out there! Common fantasy for guys, something about plaid mini skirts and knee socks I think. And as for the attending school functions being compared to a midget convention HE'S THE TEACHERS HUSBAND! He's supporting his spouse, the analogy would be apt if you had that the normal sized person was married to someone that had a legit reason to be at the convention.
To be honest, the whole yearbook on dvd is probably a cost saving measure. Cost of DVD? $0.50. Cost of paper yearbook? $30... savings? $29.50 x # of kids.

I'd think the format would be such that the parents could, if they wanted to and could afford to, take it to a print shop and have it made into a paper copy.

Realistically, I don't think I still have anything from school before high school.
Keep it as a book. I'm all for the digital age (as I have fewer and fewer real books), but a year book is a keepsake that people have written in. Other industries understand this, when you by a collectors edition anything (movie, game, etc) it usually comes with additional printed material because that's what makes it collectible to most people. I can watch a movie from a disk or a file, but it's the physical items that have value for me.
Haha school girl porn while his wife works with school girls.

Obviously, what he does in his personal live can't be held against him or her. However, now everyone would be looking for reasons to get this lady fired.
Ok. First, no wrong doing on the dudes part. He can watch whatever he wants, and I dont see a problem with it no matter what his wife does for work. However, the teacher on the other hand, is responsible for this being given to children. Gross negligence at the very least on her part. If this had happened 10 years ago theyd have burned her at the steak. Some sort of responsibility must be placed on the teacher, she is accountable for exposing these children to this material, regardless of the circumstances.
A group a second graders in Rock Crusher Elementary in Homosassa, FL

Best school name ever. Is their mascot The Crushinator from Futurama?

On topic, DVDs for 2nd grade yearbooks is fine. Its probably just a video/photo montage. Now if this was a high school year book, a hard copy is definitely needed.
O thought the point of having a year book was supposed to be for getting signatures,and having friend wright little tid bits for you to remember them by.Screw the dvd's
[citation][nom]maxiim[/nom]Dude watches porn, so what? At least he is paying for it......[/citation]
Not exactly, the DVD it was on was a writable, meaning DVD-R, he might just have downloaded it and burned it to watch on his big screen :)
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