good cost-effective digital recorder



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Dear all:
I have been looking at portable digital recorder to replace my Tascam
DAT portable which has given many good years of service. I have looked
at the Marantz PMD670 and 660 and Edirol R1 and R4. These come close,
but all seem to lack digital inputs. Is there a device with similar
capabilities (solid state, good preamp, SLR connectors, phantom power,
digital audio in/out, USB2.0 or firewire) with digital input also?

Thanks very much,
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Richard Chapman wrote:
> Dear all:
> I have been looking at portable digital recorder to replace my Tascam
> DAT portable which has given many good years of service. I have looked
> at the Marantz PMD670 and 660 and Edirol R1 and R4. These come close,
> but all seem to lack digital inputs. Is there a device with similar
> capabilities (solid state, good preamp, SLR connectors, phantom power,
> digital audio in/out, USB2.0 or firewire) with digital input also?
> Thanks very much,
> Richard

Check out the SD-744T.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

In article <> writes:

> I have been looking at portable digital recorder to replace my Tascam
> DAT portable which has given many good years of service. I have looked
> at the Marantz PMD670 and 660 and Edirol R1 and R4. These come close,
> but all seem to lack digital inputs. Is there a device with similar
> capabilities (solid state, good preamp, SLR connectors, phantom power,
> digital audio in/out, USB2.0 or firewire) with digital input also?

Fostex FR2

But what's that RCA jack on the left side of the Edirol R4 that's marked
"Digital Input"?

I'm really Mike Rivers (
However, until the spam goes away or Hell freezes over,
lots of IP addresses are blocked from this system. If
you e-mail me and it bounces, use your secret decoder ring
and reach me here: double-m-eleven-double-zero at yahoo
Archived from groups: (More info?)

The PMD 670 has digital I/O. And USB port. My experience
with it is quite positive.


Richard Chapman wrote:
> Dear all:
> I have been looking at portable digital recorder to replace my Tascam
> DAT portable which has given many good years of service. I have looked
> at the Marantz PMD670 and 660 and Edirol R1 and R4. These come close,
> but all seem to lack digital inputs.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Richard Chapman <> wrote:

>I have been looking at portable digital recorder to replace my Tascam
>DAT portable which has given many good years of service. I have looked
>at the Marantz PMD670 and 660 and Edirol R1 and R4. These come close,
>but all seem to lack digital inputs. Is there a device with similar
>capabilities (solid state, good preamp, SLR connectors, phantom power,
>digital audio in/out, USB2.0 or firewire) with digital input also?

Yes: PDAudio:

We have a Web page that compares PDAudio to the Marantz PMD670, Edirol
R1, Fostex FR-2:

Len Moskowitz PDAudio, Binaural Mics, Cables, DPA, M-Audio
Core Sound
Teaneck, New Jersey USA Tel: 201-801-0812, FAX: 201-801-0912