Good Gaming / Performance Laptop (Europe)


Nov 20, 2016
Hello everyone, first post for me.

I'm going to take a long trip around Europe and, since everything computer related in my country is expensive as hell, I would like your advice on what laptop I should buy.

Before you tell me to go and build a desktop, I already have one. But in the near future I will be needing a laptop for work, so I'd rather buy one in Prague or London for nearly half the price it costs in my country. But the selection is quite limited and I'm not sure what to get.

My budget can go all the way up to 1000 bucks, but I'd rather not get past that. The main cities I'll be staying at would be Paris, Amsterdam, Prague, Vienna and London, so I'd appreciate if you only included laptops sold in those cities.

So far only one cas caught my eye: the Lenovo Y700 (
This one is a bit close to my limit, but it's kinda nice. Still, I would like to know if there are any better options, as I haven't made a decision yet.

I'll be arriving by the end of march, so upcoming computers are also an option.

Thanks for reading, and I await your answer. Your opinion matters to me on this topic.
Oh, by the way, what I'm mainly looking for is:

An independient GPU, 950 or higher (No intel integrated graphics, please. That shit belongs in the sewer)

1920x1080 display

Numpad if possible

SSD if possible, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't include one

4/8 GB RAM

i5 or i7

Well, this certainly isn't your everyday Tom's post...

I have a few questions, though:
- Where do you live?
- 1,000 bucks is USD1,000, right? (It usually is, but I have to be sure).
- You say "laptop for work" but your preferences seem to point to a gaming laptop (mainly GTX 950 +)?
- Do you mean available in a physical store (in Paris, Amsterdam or Prague)? That is a tall order, even for this Forum.
- If you're travelling around Europe, 2.6kg or 7lbs is going to be heavy (the Lenovo Y700).
- Can I assume that 15.6" is the preferred screen size, or are you willing to consider 14"?

Oh, a few other things to consider:

These laptops will have an OS and warranty program designed for their respective markets. If you buy a laptop in France, say, the product warranty may contain some adjustments for Argentina. The OS language can be changed, of course, but it adds a few more steps before you can use the device.


Thanks a lot for your help! I'll look into these stores in a few hours. And I don't think the OS and warranty programmes are going to be much of a trouble, but I appreciate your advice.

Anyone else who finds this post, feel free to include any other laptops / sites I could use. After all I have over 3 months to make a decision.