Google Launches Google Voice, Gets Sued

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I think a companies intent should be taken into consideration when they file a patent. They just happened to be ready to file a lawsuit the very day Google released its service to the public? Sounds to me like they waited until Google was vested int he idea (and thus, would incur significant costs to pull their product), thus Google would be more inclined to settle. I say if Frontier heard about Google Voice months ago when the beta rolled out, and purposefully decided to wait until Google released the product, that should invalidate their claims. Yes, the Patent office should protect peoples inventions, but those same patents shouldn't be used for a free payday.

It the same thing with HTML5 and Ogg Theora. The big companies (Apple, Microsoft, etc...) are claiming they don't want to use Ogg because they're afraid someone with a patent claim is waiting for a big company to support it, which is just crap. I saw release a press statement about Ogg, give companies a year to assert any patent claims, then call the technology safe from patent and let the world use it. Why should a company like Google have to support it before some patent troll in Texas says "oh yeah, we had a patent for that, but we've had our heads buried up our own ass for the past 5 years and hadn't heard of Ogg Theora until Google released VP8.

Google published the use of the technology when they released Google Voice beta. This should have started a ticking clock. Give companies one year to investigate a product to see if it infringes their patent. If they fail to file suit within a reasonable amount of time, they lose their right to defend their patent (just like trademarks). They shouldn't be able to wait until Google has invested millions or billions in the tech before suing.
Let's just say that their patent is legitimate and Google Voice does infringe on it. They can only sue companies that infringe after the patent exists right? Google would in effect be grandfathered in due to them already using the technology prior to the patent.
All I know is when Google makes a statement like, "We'll defend against them vigorously," it doesn't look good for whatever chump company is doing the sueing.
I had Bellsouth Powercall in 1992, called all my phones and received faxes from 1 phone number
Frontier are the arses who have screwed my state of Maine with their bad service.Many many complaints against them.They are not a nice company and also have a lot of financial issues so this is how they will get money.
they are scum and this patent is BS.I hope google can sue them and take them to the cleaners.Frontier deserves it and you can just google them and read if you don't know who they are.
The problem is we don't know what is "actually" patented. You can't patent an idea, such as, "I think it would be cool to have hover cars". You actually have to have the technology to make one, or at least a workable theory. The patent is for the technology behind the idea, not the idea itself.
Frontier down 1.5%? Of course this couldn't be due to the horrendous service they provide /gasp. If I had a choice to use a different ISP I sure as hell wouldn't be using them for their glorious 256/160 DSL @ 45/m.
Prior art all day long. They should have saved their money trying to patent their 'invention'. It's a shame though. There was a time when having a US Patent meant something.

Now, instead of sponsoring your local little league, radio station, and newspaper, you just have to snap up a bogus patent and sue the first big company you see infringing on it. Sure, you'll lose the suit, but what about all that free press!
Frontier isnt a bad telephone company especially when compared to AT&T. They are probably one of the better smaller CLEC's i've encountered. However, they are taking on more than they can chew by suing google. Frontier does not have enough money to battle them in court. End of subject. Regardless of the validity of their patent, they would STILL get destroyed, because as OJ proved, its not about justice its about money and who has more. Besides, their patent isnt likely valid any way. So, way to go on Frontier choosing to die on this hill.
[citation][nom]sliem[/nom]I'm with Google on this one.1) I've never heard of Frontier Comm2) They sued on the same day? already prepared I see.3) "infringement of the patent significantly and "irreparably" damaged Frontier..."how is it irreparable? doesn't make sense. Just because you see 1.5% market drop this year, it doesn't mean it was caused by Google. It was caused by you![/citation]

Here's the real question...which will make a huge difference in court. How exactly did Google do "irreparrable damage" before thier service gained widespread market knowledge? Frontier Communications showed 1.5% market loss prior to Google's service even being launched..
[citation][nom]outacontrolpimp[/nom]Google has been using the voice service as a beta for 6 months or more I think. I doubt they stand a chance, and will waste more money trying to settle this .[/citation]

I want to say this is closer to 2 years. It was a service bought up by Google and I think 6 months ago they re-branded it. At any rate the service itself has been in use for quite some time.
The service was started by GrandCentral Communications, which was bought by Google in 2007, if I remember correctly, then become Google Voice Beta. Thus, this service is at least existed for over 3 three years. A patent usually is considered it is valid at the time it is filed but not issued. However, if you check the patent, it was only filed in September 1, 2009. (BTW, it is super fast for a patent to be issued with in a year.) In any case, I don't know how this patent is valid against Google Voice.
The service was started by GrandCentral Communications, which was bought by Google in 2007, if I remember correctly, then become Google Voice Beta. Thus, this service is at least existed for over 3 three years. A patent usually is considered it is valid at the time it is filed, not the time issued. However, if you check the patent, it was only filed on September 1, 2009. (BTW, it is super fast for a patent to be issued within a year.) In any case, I don't know how this patent is valid against Google.
might as well add Cisco to their their VoIP does it too. Seriously google...I don't really like how you are taking over...but your free services are awesome...put Frontier out of business so we don't have to read this trash.
This is the kind of company I'll soon have to deal with for my FiOS service? Frontier is worse than Verizon! Seriously, trying to sue Google for a service that they (Google) invented? What a bunch of morons.
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