[citation][nom]wildkitten[/nom]I know it's amazing. Of course the Zak haters are as bad as the iSheep. They follow this mantra and are incapable of rationale thought, thought that would include the fact that Apple is a tech company, a leading one, Tom's is a tech site that covers ALL tech, and as a result would have a writer/writers that cover Apple. They also ignore all the articles he writes that are not flattering of Apple and of course ignore articles like these, the rare ones where he has to write of something else.[/citation]
isheep are as bad and annoying as ihaters. in fact, there are more of them. they travel in packs i believe.
i dont see a reason to hate on a company, their products, and their employees aside from sheer ignorance. disliking something is one thing. attacking them like they killed your family and ruined your life is another.
and zak could care less. he's getting paid for this.
all this aside, the gmail app needs one thing badly: a delete all function.