[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]i could give two shits less about privacy or the whole aiding crime arguments.ruth be told these poeple ASKED that google not take photosof THEIR home. corperations should resepct this and leve those peopel alone. perosnally i dotn care what google does , but when some one ask you not to do something YOU DONT DO IT. period. fas for this BS abotu right to take pics of private property from a public locations .. it is BS. if you saw a random strangers takign photos of your home more than likely you'd report them to the police. and as for teh vacation argument some one mentioned .. i call BS beucae ther is a BIG diference from a vaction accidental "home" shot , and some one bassically "casing" your place with thier camera.[/citation]
A thread wouldnt be a thread without demonhorde665 slaughtering the english language.
A thread wouldnt be a thread without demonhorde665 slaughtering the english language.