Google Video Trial Delayed

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Follow the money. It's their fault because they have money, and therefore money is to be made by suing them.
LOL people think this world is fair?! Um I have every right to hate on any special needs child or selfish adult. Its my freedom of speech (even though Italy may not have that). This lawsuit and these advocacy group scare the piss out of me, because they obviously have NOOOOOOOO ideal how cruel the REAL WORLD actually is.
this is retarded. whoops! now should be liable for my ignorant use of the term, "retarded."

seriously, though... retarded.
[citation][nom]Antilycus[/nom]LOL people think this world is fair?! Um I have every right to hate on any special needs child or selfish adult. Its my freedom of speech (even though Italy may not have that). This lawsuit and these advocacy group scare the piss out of me, because they obviously have NOOOOOOOO ideal how cruel the REAL WORLD actually is.[/citation]

Yeah, no you don't. Your rights end where another person's begin. You have absolutely no right to harass and or persecute another person because of any mental disability they may have, or any other conditions that make them different.

It's no different than any other hate crime, and I hope the boys that uploaded the video themselves are severely punished for this. Now, are the google executives to blame? No more than the Pirate Bay is for piracy.
I would like to "violate" their wive's rights. It is amazing that this is even a trial. Ever hear of oh... or a bunch of other sites that show gross dead people and weird junk like that with body parts splattered everywhere? That is all fine and dandy but GOD FORBID somebody posts a video of some idiots making fun of another person who happens to have a medial condition. OH NOEZZZZZ
Scheduled to begin on Feruary 4

What calendar is Feruary on??

Jane, what word processor do you use? i don't mean to be nitpicking or what have you but, i haven't used a word processor that didn't instantly complain about bad spelling since... probably Office 95. i love your angle on stories and in general of this site but are you all rushing stories out or is there no one scanning them before posting them?

[citation][nom]manjyomethunder[/nom]Yeah, no you don't. Your rights end where another person's begin. You have absolutely no right to harass and or persecute another person because of any mental disability they may have, or any other conditions that make them different.It's no different than any other hate crime, and I hope the boys that uploaded the video themselves are severely punished for this. Now, are the google executives to blame? No more than the Pirate Bay is for piracy.[/citation]

actually he does have the right, at least here in the good ole USA, to attack one's character or physical/mental ability all he wishes. the limit comes when he physically threatens or causes the person to fear for their lives or safety. up until that point, he's perfectly free to chastise and lambaste the poor soul to his heart's content. there's issues of libel and slander but unless the victim is a very high profile person or very rich, that isn't going anywhere in court. the fact of the matter is this should and should always be a right here in the USA. life is tough and if you're unable to cope with name calling then you'll have many more critical issues that will certainly confound you. why can't we let Darwinism take it's natural course and weed out the weak?
I have always stood for others no matter what color your skin is,your religion, or your sex preferences.Even when i was a child i acted this way cause i learned what hate did to my family.My dad wa sin 4 concentration camps and most of his bloodline was killed in auschwitz.
i have a large holocaust site up at (nmae of my main punkband).
Now here is the deal for me and why i do not like how PC this world can be.And I don't support this whole idea of going after google on this.
My band played lots of shows in NYC at an underground punk club called ABC club located right by clinton and husson in lower east side.I believe the full name was ABC NO RIO.Now we never had issues playing this venue until they changed bookers and started to do a PC THING.
When we wanted to play there again even though we had done 3 or 4 shows there before we were told to send a typewritten sheet with the lyrics to our songs as they would now have a policy to look at lyrics and if they thought your lyrics were sexist,homophobic,etc they would not book you.
I said to them FUCK OFF and we never gigged there again and that is basically what i think of PC Behavior.
I am not a dick.I am a nice guy but you can not take away the rights of one group and not everyone else.If i can say something against hate they can say something against me.
in this case we are writing of google should nt be put to trial.the guilty boys who shot the video and harrassed the child should be brought to court.
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