Googles new fade in homepage

i like it, remember, the reason that google is still #1 is because it started simple and stayed simple, it knows that every time you search ur not interested in seeing all of the days news, or some background image that takes 15seconds to load on dialup, you just want to see the space to type and the search button,
i like it, remember, the reason that google is still #1 is because it started simple and stayed simple, it knows that every time you search ur not interested in seeing all of the days news, or some background image that takes 15seconds to load on dialup, you just want to see the space to type and the search button,
And they have iGoogle for those that do want extra stuff.

You can customize it like crazy. It easily replaces those hubs like Yahoo and MSN because you control the content, theme, arrangement, etc...
It's a bit annoying because I always liked the clean, unadultered Google home page but it's not going to stop me using it. What will stop me using Google is Bing once it actually produces results that are somewhat comparable to the superior results from Google.
Well I personally like it. Google was always about simplicity, and with this fade-in background, they make the user focus more on the search box. The necessary links such as About, Advertising Solutions, etc. become less prominent, but still accessible.
Like cjl I am indifferent also, except that I use Google for my homepage and used to access my Gmail from the link on the page.

Because I am impatient I just created a Gmail thumbnail page in Opera and don't use my homepage to get there now.
