Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 Laptop.

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Hello Community!

D3 has been out for the last 2months and Guild Wars is being released soon. Need some advice on a laptop.

I would like to play at Ultra settings at 1920x1080 or i could go lower res (which i perfer not)

Wondering if anyone in the community has personal expereince with D3 and GW2 beta at highest possible setting with smooth gameplay and can recommend me a laptop.

My budget would be between $1200-$1500 maxed with tax in (I live in Toronto Canada).

I was thinking of:

Lenovo Y580 with GTX660M i7-3610QM (1920x1080) $1149.00 + tax (sale price) Comes with and added 1TB 5400RPM + 32GBSSD (don't know why its not a 7200)


Sager 9130 with GTX670M i7-3610QM (1920x1080) $1153.00 + tax Comes with 500GB 7200rpm


whatever you guys recommend.......
Well my friend should be giving me more information later but with his 1.7Ghz integrated graphics AMD quadcore, he can play at medium with no lag at all (he is well above 30FPS always and usually around 50fps). He is probably running at 1366 x 768 though... 🙁

My other friend is running just under fully maxed out and will give me his build and more details later. It is apparently more graphics intensive than he thought when he was telling me before. You may need a GTX 670M to max is out all the way according to him.
Thanks for taking the time to reply hwangchan.

I would not be plugging it to an external monitor. I would be playing on my desktop at home. but i travel quite a bit and would like to be mobile and not lose the eye-candy.

But.....also dont want to over-spend excessively like i did my desktop LOL.

Need some input on acutal gameplay in D3 and GW2 beta (yes i know its only beta and its not stable -but....its a good starting point on where the laptop needs tobe at)
I will be getting details from a friend who is around the area where playing GW2 on maxxed settings it right around the edge of his system (he plays just a bit below to keep his system cool and the game running smoothly). That should be later this evening hopefully.
I have a laptop with i7 2630qm and a 560m GPU. I can play Diablo 3 maxed out at the max resolution available for my screen (1600x900) with no problem. No overheating even after playing for 6hs straight. Good luck!

The laptop is a toshiba qosmio 7272
Thanks Rubbateckie! please list system specs and how smooth it is at Highest possible setting in beta..wondering if he uses FRAPS.....

Thanks for the reply Unipablo! -hummm 1600x900 at max settings..whats ur fps in D3? Are all settings set to High/Ultra?

It's with all settings maxed out. Everything on high/ultra. I can't check the fps because it shows 0 fps when i try to check it. I think it's a problem with the latest version, but everything is smooth (except for some latency...) even with a lot of monsters on screen.
Thanks unipablo...

Now i need to wait for rubbateckie for his results...and ur res is 1600x900..i rather play at 1920x1080 =)
Well my friend should be giving me more information later but with his 1.7Ghz integrated graphics AMD quadcore, he can play at medium with no lag at all (he is well above 30FPS always and usually around 50fps). He is probably running at 1366 x 768 though... 🙁

My other friend is running just under fully maxed out and will give me his build and more details later. It is apparently more graphics intensive than he thought when he was telling me before. You may need a GTX 670M to max is out all the way according to him.
I am playing it fully maxed with an athlon 2 x3 445 (non oced) + 6870 (non oced)

Just don't get me near 10+ people or my frame rates drop to >20 ... I hope they look into this, it seems to be a problem with everyone.

Edit: Well I thought it was pretty decent frame rates but I just checked with fraps and its hanging around 20 fps with slow downs to 5 in heavily populated areas 😛
My friend has a first gen core i7 2.67Ghz (he doesn't know the model number and for some reason windows doesn't give him the right number in device manager... - I personally think he just can't figure it out), with a Radeon HD 6870, 4gb ram, 7200rpm hard drive. And plays it at 1080p. At maxed settings it runs fine.
Last beta or this new one? This new one I can run it maxed for what I personally find playable but I prefer to run it on high just for fps stability :)

For recording I have to play on medium/low :3
Thanks Rubbateckie.....great information...did he use FRAPS?

Thanks for the reply mouse24, 20 FPS is a lil bit low for my taste. I like to be over 60+ even in heavily populated area...humm....

This one, he said that he thinks he is around 35 fps and running FRAPS makes it a lot more unstable for some odd reason and he gets about 28 fps. This is for the more intense sessions with lots of people and explosions and that stuff!
6870 mobile is compared to 670m -which is pretty expensive already. and its only 35fps? dangggggggggggg

Anyone run it at a desktop GPU that can list some specs so we can comapre with mobile GPUs at 1920x1080? -more intrested in lower/mid-range GPU's to compare with mobile.

That my friend is pretty disheartening considering that GW2 graphics are on the low-end of the spectrum.

@ Rubbateckit. I assume that was 6870m?
Heh, I'd be a bit sad if I could max everything on GW2 with a higher end mid range card.

But I assume it will get better at launch, they just recently started adding support to make it a bit more gpu based.
And I am apparently stupid because this friend just "upgraded the card" so its obviously the desktop version. Sorry MrHamm, I was convinced he had a new gaming laptop but it was his brother who has a new Sager with the 650M...
I was thinking that it made no sense that he was getting noticably better performance than mouse24....
But that is even more worrying, a desktop i7 with a desktop 6870 can't run it incredibly well on maxed... He told me he lowered the settings at the end of the beta because even though the frame rate seemed ok, there was just something odd like slight lag in certain situations when he was maxed out. 🙁
Thanks Rubbateckie. The slight lag could just be perfomance issues with the game itself since its still in beta. -I hope......

How was the 650m?

On a side note: Had a buddy who played last weekend beta with a 5770 at 1920x1080 and said he had no issues. Only problem was he said he used recommended settings and he doesnt know what it was on.....

Well he refuses to play Guild Wars. My friend did get it running on there for like 5 minutes just to test for me and it seemed like you couldn't push it past like "2 notches" I am guessing that the video quality settings are setup the same way as Guild Wars 1 with that description. He did say you may have to lower it more for situations with a lot of characters/people around.
Thanks for all your input guys.

Going to wait for GW2 for release and re-open this topic when we have more definate answers!.