Help me get these losers put away. Have a LG phone, straight talk service. Hacked a few days ago. Now there using my number, took all my videos,pics, ECT. Phone companies can't help and police won't analize phone.. Help please
Thank you for respondingWe can't help you get anything on the people that did it. The only ones who can assist are those you contacted, and they have limited ability at that.
Now I don't see how they can be using your number, the carrier/service provider is the one who controls that. Unless they have your physical phone.
If you have the phone, your best bet is to get the company (carrier/service provider) to make sure the phone number and account can only be accessed by you and then do a full "Hard Reset" of your device to wipe anything that could be on it.
You should also change all passwords to all accounts that you have ever accessed from your phone. And never leave them logged or with saved passwords. That is the worst thing you can do.