My mother is wheelchair bound in an assisted living home. Her tv is mounted to the wall on a standard steel frame that swivels. We have an old game console that is basically a gear stick mounted on a 4/5” square. It connects to the tv via two RCA Jacks and has about 20 different games like frogger, Pac Man, etc. with a 9-10’ long cord. We hooked it up to our tv and it still works great! My mom loves to play, but she can’t get up and around back of the tv to plug and unplug it when she wants to switch to viewing the tv. Isn’t there some kind of thing like a power strip, only it can transfer the outlets on back of the tv to a strip that could be put on the table under the tv so she could plug/unplug the game console from her wheelchair? I’ve googled everything I could think of to describe this and cant find anything. Can someone post a link or tell me what to get that will work?
Also, the mount holding the tv blocks one of the RCA Jack inputs, so i don’t think we can even plug it in directly anyway. If we could get TO both Jack inputs, I might could get a 3-5’ two-ended male RCA cord and patch it in with a dual female barrel connector.
Also, the mount holding the tv blocks one of the RCA Jack inputs, so i don’t think we can even plug it in directly anyway. If we could get TO both Jack inputs, I might could get a 3-5’ two-ended male RCA cord and patch it in with a dual female barrel connector.