"While the animation is convincing, the font is not quite right."
Whilst at college, I was banned from the network for sending network broadcast messages. It was a Novell Netware system, and the messages would appear on the Windows desktop as popups. The only problems... were that unlike a proper screenshot, the text on said popup box was in super high resolution as well as the wrong font, meaning somebody had taken a screenshot, thrown it into Word, then put a text box over the top; the other problem being that I wasn't even at college that day. IT, the ones who'd shown me the A4 printout of said transgression, told me to speak to the dean who promptly got me unbanned (i.e. they didn't believe me, ho ho ho). If some choice phrases weren't uttered in the background at the time, there should've been.
Even to this day, I still wonder how anybody can confuse 300dpi with 72dpi (at max - more like half that in practice) blown up screenshots, let alone the wrong font. With a little bit of experience, such things shouldn't fool anybody, though judging the people I work with on a daily basis, perhaps they'd be stumped for hours.