Question hard drive for dvr nvr recording


Aug 20, 2016
does anyone happen to know if an ssd drive will hold up better than a hard drive in a dvr or nvr camera system?

i put a new blue hard drive in my last dvr i got last year and it held up for about that year and stopped spinning. i have 3 more dvr/nvr units for the system as i have 12 wired cams and 8 foscams and have to have the 2 dvr's for the wired cams and the nvr for the foscams. anyway i just got that dvr last year and put a new 1tb blue drive in it and it failed about a month ago.

i have regular old computer hard drives in the one dvr and the nvr and they are working fine. and ahve been in service for years

so i can get another blue hard drive but because ssd drives are starting to get cheaper i wonder if one of those will hold up for dvr-nvr use? being no moving pars maybe they will last longer. i know that hard drives work 24-7 and they work hard but i was surprised that the blue drive failed in a year and in the other dvr's i have i put in old hard drives and they have been working for years. i put in the blue drive in this new dvr as they ipcam forum claims they will last longer and are made for the 24-7 use. but now i wonder. thanks
i had one of the wd drives it says wd blue desktop hard drive. so i must have picked the wrong drive. i was sure there was talk of the blue drives for dvrs, anyway i will look at getting the surveillance type drive for them as they fail and see how they hold up. the one i have is now in a big chunk of a drive. i took a hammer to it so i would not be tempted to mess with it anymore. i tried to revive it and on the pc using the usb port and the adapter and a few hard drive programs i could see the drive and format it and write to it but the dvr did not like it and would not even spin it up. anyway thanks