having laptop problems

First problem: My laptop turns off when at 40% pretty much. Not sure if it is a virus or an internal problem. Not sure if I successfully recalibrated my laptop. I am considering resetting and flushing out everything to see if it will work. For now, I just plug in my charger to keep it from turning off.

Second problem: The charging seems to be funky. Once in a while, the laptop will stop charging and then start again without unplugging the charger.

white - full percentage
red - charging

On screen, the battery is not fully charged, when the charge disconnects, the laptop has a white light while the charger is still charging. When it reconnects, the laptop has a red light. The charger itself has some bumps on the wire, but I think it should still work fine.

Before any of these things have been happening, my friend installed a hardware update software, but I don't think that is that problem.

I did drop my laptop from a small height. Probably 3-4 inches? The screen was not cracked, nothing damaged on the laptop. I'm guessing the internal system messed up somehow? I should get it fixed at an electronic store if it gets hazardous or annoying. Some have said to buy a new battery and/or charger, but I don't want to buy stuff unless it really is needed. Tell me what you guys think.

When my laptop thinks its full, it disconnects, but when I wait a few seconds and reconnect the charger, it'll start charging again. Any solutions?
Well it sounds like you have two problems. One is the battery, the other is the charger. Also, if you dropped the laptop, then your battery may not be connecting correctly.

If the laptop is under warranty, I would contact the manufacturer about a repair or replacement. If it isn't, then you need to try first a different charger cord to see if it will resolve the problem. If that doesn't fix it, then you need to look at the batteries connections, make sure nothing is loose so that it isn't staying connected if the device moves even a little, and lastly check to see if the battery needs replacing.