Having trouble with surround sound and tv


May 5, 2015
I just bought a 50 in Samsung smart tv and I have a panasonic home theater system. I cannot get the surround sound to work from my tv. There is no optical audio hook up on my panasonic home theater system. Is there anyway to bridge through my Dish receiver? Help please!
Can you post the model of your TV, Panasonic and Dish receiver? It will help us to determine an answer much quicker.

If the Panasonic is a HTiB( home theatre in box setup. I don't recommend those due to limitations) but we might still be able to help.

Happy surround, the Prisoner...
Can you post the model of your TV, Panasonic and Dish receiver? It will help us to determine an answer much quicker.

If the Panasonic is a HTiB( home theatre in box setup. I don't recommend those due to limitations) but we might still be able to help.

Happy surround, the Prisoner...

I was afraid you were going to ask that. I am at work and do not have that with me. The TV I just bought in Thursday and the Panasonic home theater systme is about 7 yrs old. The Dish receiver is a DVR as well. I had no problem with my last TV by using the red/white audio cables. I just don't think I'm able to use them with this TV. The Dish receiver has an optical audio jack so I wasn't sure if I could go from the TV to the Dish with the optical and from the dish to the Panasonic with the red/white cables?
It can be hard to mesh older tech with new tech. I do it for a alot for people and myself. It can work out quite well if you have the equipment to do the mixing of the technology. HTisB are made to be cheap and give an entry level path for people to surround sound. There isn't a problem with that, it's just better to buy something better so you aren't stuck with something that will be worthless in a few years.

Kinda hard to say without what models you are using but just going to the red/white cables(left and right sound) will only produce a stereo sound(2.0)

Depending on if the Panasonic has some virtual sound format like Dolby Pro, that will take the stereo sound and virtualize the signal. If your TV has the red/white, you can try that but like I mentioned above, something will have to expand the sound to surrond.

Also, you may want to updrade your Dish DVR so it has HDMI which I'm probably sure your TV has, as a first step in upgrading your situation. I know that doesn't help or solve the HTiB problem. At least your upgrade factor will be good for a few more years! hehe.

Anyways get back to us with the models and if you have a budget if you want to upgrade.

Happy listening, the Prisoner...
I will look at the models tonight and post them. I did try the red/white audio cord to the TV from the home theater system but I think that is only an input. I was told I could try the optic audio from the TV to the Dish and the the red/white cords to the home theater system from the Dish. My hook up right now is an HDMI cord form my home theater system to the TV and an HDMI from my Dish receiver to the TV. This is driving me absolutely crazy!!!