Hawking Says Looking for Aliens Won't End Well

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May 11, 2008
He also went on to say aliens could possibly live in the centre of stars. That is too far fetched for me to believe. As far as alien life out there, I believe it. The numbers are to high (untold billions of stars) for it not to be true and the evidence on earth (ancient spaceship drawings and such) supports it too.


Apr 25, 2006
[citation][nom]Clintonio[/nom]No. Bad fantasy dweller. This is not Avatar. The Na'vi do not exist. Life is not like that.[/citation]You better step outside your little bubble and take a look at the world. It IS like that. We rape this planet. All I am doing is pointing out the obvious. I am not saying everyone is bad. But, I think the earth could go a few years without us mashing it like we created this place.


Apr 17, 2009
[citation][nom]sliem[/nom]The Kzer-Za will enslave us, and I think that's a lot better than being cleansed by the Kohr-Ah.Unless we have a precursor vessel, chmmr avatar, pkunk fury and mega bomb -- I prefer to stay under the red sky of impenetrable shield. Wouldn't you?[/citation]
Starcon references, I love it! I so wish they would make a new sequel. The last Star Control was almost 15 years ago!


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]guanyu210379[/nom]Hawking said something like because humans are like that.Actually..who knows...perhaps we are the only ones who are aggressive and greedy..[/citation]

well turht be told not all humans are agressive and greedy granted there are plenty of us that are , to bad more often than not those are the types that are running shit. to say all humans are agressivbe and greedy is gravely wrong, not to mention it's a completely pessimistic view of the human race.


Aliens won't need any resources because if they are advanced enough to reach us - they'll be able to create whatever resources they need (through quantum assembly)

Also if they are highly more evolved than ourselves, they will not be organic - organic beings like ourselves are an evolutionary step to aritificial intelligence, which is an evolutionary step to super-intelligence - which will most likely be quantum machines.



Oct 20, 2008
Spoken like a true human, Mr. Hawking (and no, that's not a complement).

Humans are an agressive species (evolved from agressive apes vs non-agressive ones like bonobos, for instance).
Couple that with our fear of the unknown, and you get this statement.

It is true that they might be agressive, but they also might not be. The biggest mistake we can make is assume that they will be like us.

However, that is not to say that we should not be on our guard if they do come (which that in itself is unlikely due to the vast distances we are talking about and the limits on how fast an object can move. It is going to take hundreds if not thousands of years for our message to get to them and them to travel to us. Fastest/safest way to communicate is by radio wave, not direct contact.)


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]sacre[/nom]Life itself is a very selfish "Force". All life wants is more, is something in return. Life thrives on receiving, everything we do is for ourselves. We give money to a friend expecting a thanks, credit, and if you dont receive it you get upset. You try and get that job so you get paid, if you dont get paid you get upset. You turn on the TV to be entertained, if you're not entertained, you get upset.So with this said, If an alien species came to earth, this automatically tells us they're far more advanced then we are because they're able to travel and sustain their species through long travels in space. So, this means we have nothing they'll want when it comes to intelligence, so what else would they want? Well, our resources. But then, if you think about it, the basic resources like water, fuel, etc is all over the galaxy, in every solar system, there are many different types of resources. So, this being the case why would an advanced alien species purposely destroy our planet, the species on it for a bit of resource they can get from Europa, Jupiter, the moon, mars etc? I personally don't think an Alien species will take the resources off our planet, specially at their level of intelligence. The only thing I can see them doing is using us for experimentation or as something else. Not as slaves, because again, at their level of intelligence one would expect them to already mastered AI, robotics can do work much more efficiently and quickly as us.So, again, with all this said... would they even bother with us? We have nothing to offer them at all.[/citation]

actually this has more to do with eco systems earths ecosystem is gnerally based off a "food chain mode" meaning something is always stepping on somthing else to get on the top. kill or be killed not not all of earth's eco system is this way thier are the rare symbiotic organisms that rely on each other to survive and both life forms give the other something in return (such as whales and sucker fish). now it is totally theorectically possible that an alien eco system is reversed in this where most the eco system is sybiotic ( like the creatures on the avatar movie) and the "food chain" animals are the rarity. but it is also likely that there is an alien eco system that is even more agressive than ours as well . both are possibilities.. hawking's beleive is merely based on the eco system we know. it doesn';t reallky even mean that our eco system is predominant kind of eco system in the univers , what if we are really the odd ones out ??? nut then again what if our eco system is tame comapred to teh rest of teh galaxy .. it's all theoretical. i sya let teh contact geeks continue on , more than likely any race that is advanced as far as we have will not get here any time soon and more advanced races are likely not with in 60 light years of us any way since man has had radio communication for about that long , it's safe to say so far any thing that has picked up signals from earth would have already been here had they picked those signals up. and this is ofcoruse assumign that any alien life form with in 50 light years of us is advanced enough to pick up that weak of a radio signal in the first place.


Jul 20, 2008
[citation][nom]guanyu210379[/nom]Hawking said something like because humans are like that.Actually..who knows...perhaps we are the only ones who are aggressive and greedy..[/citation]
Kind of doubt that, even if on other planets, eventually species have to fight to survive, and that means you need to be aggressive. If you are not aggressive when resources get low the species will die, that is not something special to Earth alone. Aggression is something that is needed in some way in order to survive as a species, aggression as a species seems to lead to greed as an intelligent species. Maybe we will get lucky and they will be good, but then again searching for resources is rarely a be good type of situation, it's usually live or die.


Apr 19, 2004
If other life forms can travel to Earth one would have to question... why Earth?

Assuming these creatures can navigate the Universe (defy physics.. or live VERY long)you would think they could obtain all the required info about Earth from their living quarters. I would go on to guess if Aliens made the trip to earth it is more then to say hi and share a jug of beer. With that said... I agree with Hopkins, why would we want to find Aliens? only a fool would not believe they exist I think we should wait till we can travel to their planet. (greater technology then them...maybe)

If we are going to war, lets do it on Alien soil, not on Earth.


Jan 26, 2006
We have one resource that could be considered precious: a planet. The individual chemicals that comprise it might not be worth the trouble of getting here. But finding a planet that:
1) maintains a stable atmospheric mix with a stable temperature range that doesn't vary by more than 100 Kelvins or so from coldest to hottest,
2) is protected by an atmosphere that blocks most of the wavelengths that can break up molecules,
3) has a stable, fairly constant gravity not subject to wild swings caused by nearby planets, moons or stars, and
4) offers a complete variety of local minerals and other resources for utilization,
that might be interesting to an alien species in the same way that the Americas were interesting to European settlers. Even an alien race with interstellar travel capabilities would not likely be able to clone a planet. So if they wanted to expand, well, here's earth with these quaint if savage natives, just waiting to be colonized. A race that sophisticated would probably have individuals who frowned on the idea, but other, more opportunistic individuals would jump at the chance. They would be the members of the race we would be likely to face; not first, but most.

We ourselves have contemplated the idea of colonizing mars, our nearest neighbor. I don't think it's so far-fetched to think that we would contemplate colonizing extra-solar planets if we had the capability. And who would be doing that? First, countries because they'd be the only ones with the resources. Then, when it became more feasible the private sector would jump in. And the goodwill would be only as much as the individuals looking for gain.


Apr 13, 2010
Maybe you all didn't realize but we already encountered aliens. From Star Trek to Stargate series all the way through Avatar and Planet 51 we evolve in hope and fear, so when space and time will allow us the contact we'll be prepared.Some of us already imagine the technology, only it's a pity bankers are so earthbound and deny us of resources.open your mind,my friends!


Aug 30, 2007
first of all, it is stupid to look for aliens regardless if you think there is or there isnt anything... simply because its like looking for trouble, instead focus your energy and money to better things, and to progress life here.

from what we have studied I think we can say we have gone far enough in the physical world, there is a side that people seem to deny so much, yet think that there is so much in the visible world when we can talk that there is life in the invisible world, and that its far more realistic then anything that we have experienced as far as other life. The fact is that the physical world is what about 1-4% and rest is invisible, if anything things should be more focused there

ok, to take the other side and say there is other life, lets see what we know about ourselves, if any life is remotely like us, they would have to strive to be better among themselves, otherwise they would end up in destruction, anything remotely as us would end up in a self destruct mode, especially if anything is more aggressive, think about it... aggressive is a low state it takes away all other intelligent abilities.

Anything intelligent enough to travel to us, can not be aggressive, they would not have made it to that point in there cycle without destroying there planet/environment


Sep 22, 2009
[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]You would think an intelligent, handicapped person like Hawking would theorize a little more that we we're created by God. Mathematically, it all adds up. What doesn't add up is the ridiculous THEORIES that are layered on top of theories and layered on top of more theories about how, why and when life was created. We haven't even searched more than 1% of our OWN OCEANS! How the HELL can Hawking presume we aren't alone!? We are our own worst enemy. He acts like we are some paradise of humans that "cultivate" the land. Even on Tom's Hardware if "aliens" were to read the comments and base Earthly life on it, they would annihilate us, on the spot. We are an extremely destructive species that no "alien" would cater to. Come in peace? How about come and free the Earth from the virus we call Humans.[/citation]

*Your friendly message brought to you by the Westboro Baptist church*


May 16, 2009
I don't think we can accurately predict alien behavior, we have no evidence all life seeks selfish profits and we probably never will until we have completely explored the whole universe.

No offense Mr. Hawking, but unless I've misunderstood your logic I'm afraid I therefore have to say your calculations may be flawed.


May 16, 2006
People have speculated about this for eons, without so much as an inkling of a clue, and we as a race will face our extinction long before anyone gets an ounce closer to knowing if we are the only ones. I feel that a race would be born, run it's course, and be gone way to fast in the relative time span of the cosmos before they could advance far enough to have the capability of traveling far enough into space to find another life form. By radio wave, ship, folding space, or whatever the the medium may be. We are confined, as any other life form will be, for all eternity by the simple vastness of time and space.


Feb 11, 2009
Stupid Humans! They themselves may be no bigger than sub-atomic particles in the vastness of space yet they think they are the master species.
Nothing, they are nothingness.
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