HD Converter box & PVR


Nov 14, 2016
I just bought an HD Converter box with PVR. This box accepts a connection from an over-the-air HD Antenna and performs PVR (DVR) type functions, like recording and timeshifting, then feeds the signal to the TV using an HDMI cable.

I'm brand-new to this so I hope I'm using the correct name for this type of box.

The problem I'm having is with Closed Captions. The captions work when I'm viewing live TV, but if I use the timeshift or recording functions, the captions don't show when I play back the timeshifted/recorded video.

These boxes all seem to be very similar. The upper tier seems to cost about $38. Searching on Amazon shows about half a dozen manufacturers who seem to have essentially the same box internals (inside electronics probably purchased from same OEM manufacturer) with just a different outside appearance to the box.

If this is true, and all the boxes are essentially the same, then they probably all use the same software, and will have this Closed Captions issue.

Does anyone know if this is true? Are the boxes essentially the same, or does anyone know of a manufacturer who has a slightly better box or with software that works more reliably?


I do not know much about the cheap converters. The only thing I know, is that the CM-7000PAL, from Channel Master, should record subtitles as well. It expressly says in the manual that closed captioning can be turned on/off in recordings, which is what I base myself on. I've used/repaired a few of them, but never tested the DVR with C/C, so I can't be sure.

Finding one can be a hassle, but Channel Master has a replacement:

This isn't your run of the mill sub-40$ OTA DVR, it's the best of the best.
Thanks for the pointer to Channel Master. The CM-7000PAL seems to be discontinued, but they have a CM-7500TB1 newer model. This model just happens to be on sale right now. Looks nice, I bought one. One of the reviews specifically says that it records and plays back closed captions.
Yes, and the user manual confirms it as well. Hope you like it!

Channel Master been in the business of antennas/tuners for a long time, and their products for OTA have always been top of the line.
I installed the Channel Master CM-7500TB1 today. It works beautifully and seems extremely high quality. It does Closed Captions on time shifted, or delayed, playback. I can change the channel to some OTA show, go away for 10 minutes, then come back, rewind back to the beginning, and play the show (with CC's) skipping the commercials. Perfect.

Thanks for the pointer to Channel Master.

Glad it worked out for you.

When I saw these $30 boxes, I went whoa too good to be true, after all DVR boxes such as Tivos cost hundreds.

Myself am running a Windows Media Center with an Hauppauge tuner, so PC based, and was pleasantly surprised MCE preserves caption, which I use from time to time, and the WTV file format allows me to RW and FF at full HD speed and also plays back broadcast Dolby Surround.