HDMI lag laptop to Sylvania tv


Jun 9, 2014
so my TV that I use for my ps3 doesn't have any lag in game mode or without game mode. However when I hook up my computer which is a laptop with the HDMI cable there is a significant lag. I am unable to play any kind of quick moving video games that are the reasons that I bought the TV and HDMI cable I have seen many of these posts and they all lead to the same 3 or 4 Solutions and so I do not want to waste your time and I will run through the things I have tried.

I have my resolution switched to the native of the TV coming from my laptop. I have turned the game mode on. I have turned off all effects that the TV has. I have made sure that all of my drivers for my GPU and for all of my chipsets are up to date. I have this issue whether or not I isolate the TV just by itself I have both the TV and the laptop screen cloned or whether I have the desktop simply extended. I have even gone so far as to get a more expensive HDMI cable against all odds and everything I've read on the internet saying that it wouldn't make a difference and it didn't make a difference. Now the only thing that has made a difference in the lag department was turning my game mode on and it made unfortunately just a very slight improvement.

a few more things to narrow the problem down are I have absolutely no issue with that what I'm doing on my laptop and being able to keep up and be responsive I I have other TVs that I run my laptop on with the same HDMI cable setup and I do not have this lag issue. So I have had this thing working on a different TV and hopefully there is something that I am just not smart enough about because I don't feel like buying another TV however this TV is a Sylvania. And I do not know if this is a common issue with these TVs or not but here is the model number. LC320SLX
I have several tickets into the Sylvania customer support trying to see if anybody there has the sympathy to help me work this out and if I receive any information back from them that is actually worth anything I will post it into this forum
Run-of-the-mill laptops have resolution of 1366x768 pixels, or 1049088 pixels. Your TV' native resolution is 1920x1080 = 2073600 pixels - twice as many as on the laptop screen. If your laptop has (or not) as so-so graphics card, what you see on the TV is "normal".