HDMI Splitter Audio Issue


Oct 25, 2017
HDMI Splitter Issue
I bought a 2 port Inland HDMI splitter (1 in and 2 out).

So, the source for the video and audio is my desktop computer. The output goes to two TV screens (a 50in and a 32in TV screen). I want audio only one of the TV's.

I am familiar with the problem most people had where they are unable to get audio at all.

So I followed the steps to get the audio to work on the 50in TV. So, I have video on both TV's and audio on the 50in TV. This is exactly how I wanted it to work.

But when i turned the TV's OFF and turn them back on, now the audio is gone. I still get the video displayed on both screens, but no audio. So I have to go back and dismantling the connections on the splitter, to get the audio back.

What am I doing wrong here? Why would the audio disappear when I turned TV's on, but it was working before?
Thanks for the reply; after 24hrs of not getting any reply, I thought this site was completely abandoned.

I was able to get audio on both TV's finally. So now I turn off the volume on the 32in TV so I can get audio only from the 50in.

But that is not my primary problem. My primary problem is, when I turn the TV's off and turn them back on, there is no audio at all. To bring the audio back, I have to disconnect the splitter, reconnect again. Clearly this is not how it is supposed to work.

So my primary problem is still not resolved.

The audio disappears either when I turn the TV's off or when my desktop computer (the source) is turned off and turned back on.

How do i resolve that?