
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

I've got a WinTV HDTV tuner card in my computer. I can receive the
HDTV signals off the air for my local channels via the coax
connection. It has no s-video in.

I know that I can receive the HDTV signals on my FTA DVB receiver
(Satworks 3688), but the picture is "broken up" on my standard NTSC TV.

Is the 3688 capable of outputing in HDTV format via the coax
connection? Or would it take some other receiver (or receiver
card) to accomplish this?


Take care,

God bless the USA
Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles
staring at computer screens all day. Filling out useless
forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on
about mission statements.

---Peter Gibbons in "Office Space"
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

Rich Piehl <rpiehl5REMOVETHIS@FORNOSPAMcharter.net> wrote in

> I've got a WinTV HDTV tuner card in my computer. I can receive the
> HDTV signals off the air for my local channels via the coax
> connection. It has no s-video in.
> I know that I can receive the HDTV signals on my FTA DVB receiver
> (Satworks 3688), but the picture is "broken up" on my standard NTSC TV.
> Is the 3688 capable of outputing in HDTV format via the coax
> connection? Or would it take some other receiver (or receiver
> card) to accomplish this?
> Thanks.
> Take care,
> Rich
> God bless the USA


Stay away from the Fortec Lifetime receiver. If I accidentally tune
across an HDTV signal with it, the receiver's software locks up. I then
have to remove power for a moment in order to reset it. Until I learned
about this weakness I was baffled. Now I know what to do. First make a
note of which channel you came across. Then chamge channels. Next remove
power for a moment. Then try to remember to delete this channel from the
channel listing so that it doesn't happen again.

There is a newer version of the Fortec Lifetime on the market now and it
may or may not have this problem.

This doesn't answer your question but it is not really off topic

Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 12:13:06 -0500, Rich Piehl
<rpiehl5REMOVETHIS@FORNOSPAMcharter.net> wrote:

>I've got a WinTV HDTV tuner card in my computer. I can receive the
>HDTV signals off the air for my local channels via the coax
>connection. It has no s-video in.
>I know that I can receive the HDTV signals on my FTA DVB receiver
>(Satworks 3688), but the picture is "broken up" on my standard NTSC TV.
>Is the 3688 capable of outputing in HDTV format via the coax
>connection? Or would it take some other receiver (or receiver
>card) to accomplish this?

No, you need an HDTV DVB receiver, or DVB PCI card.

>Take care,
>God bless the USA
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

Gary Tait wrote:

> No, you need an HDTV DVB receiver, or DVB PCI card.
I was suspecting that. Thanks for confirming.

Take care,

God bless the USA
Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles
staring at computer screens all day. Filling out useless
forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on
about mission statements.

---Peter Gibbons in "Office Space"
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 18:49:15 GMT, "Pseud O. Nym"
<pon@blurry-vision.com> wrote:
>Stay away from the Fortec Lifetime receiver. If I accidentally tune
>across an HDTV signal with it, the receiver's software locks up. I then
>have to remove power for a moment in order to reset it. Until I learned
>about this weakness I was baffled. Now I know what to do. First make a
>note of which channel you came across. Then chamge channels. Next remove
>power for a moment. Then try to remember to delete this channel from the
>channel listing so that it doesn't happen again.
>There is a newer version of the Fortec Lifetime on the market now and it
>may or may not have this problem.

I have a Pansat 2300a and a Fortec Ultra and they both suffer from
this bug. It doesn't actually lock up, but after encountering an HDTV
channel they lose their onscreen graphics totally. No more menus, but
will change channels.
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

Quite a few receivers will lock up or misbehave when you tune to a HD
signal. They just aren't made to process it.
>Stay away from the Fortec Lifetime receiver. If I accidentally tune
>across an HDTV signal with it, the receiver's software locks up. I then
>have to remove power for a moment in order to reset it. Until I learned
>about this weakness I was baffled. Now I know what to do. First make a
>note of which channel you came across. Then chamge channels. Next remove
>power for a moment. Then try to remember to delete this channel from the
>channel listing so that it doesn't happen again.
>There is a newer version of the Fortec Lifetime on the market now and it
>may or may not have this problem.
>This doesn't answer your question but it is not really off topic
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

My Pansat 2500A does the same thing when I hit a HD channel
"RockinRick" <none@no.way> wrote in message
> Quite a few receivers will lock up or misbehave when you tune to a HD
> signal. They just aren't made to process it.
> >+++++++++++++++++
> >
> >Stay away from the Fortec Lifetime receiver. If I accidentally tune
> >across an HDTV signal with it, the receiver's software locks up. I then
> >have to remove power for a moment in order to reset it. Until I learned
> >about this weakness I was baffled. Now I know what to do. First make a
> >note of which channel you came across. Then chamge channels. Next remove
> >power for a moment. Then try to remember to delete this channel from the
> >channel listing so that it doesn't happen again.
> >
> >There is a newer version of the Fortec Lifetime on the market now and it
> >may or may not have this problem.
> >
> >This doesn't answer your question but it is not really off topic
> >
> > PON

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