Hello everybody, i know there are some similar threads out there but i wanted to focus on the latest models. As the title says i'll be using the headset for both gaming and listening to music, so the sound quality should be good. Currently i have Beats Solo2 WIreless. I can say these are maybe the best headphones i've ever used (sound quality), but they are on-ear and i cant play with them more than 1-2 hours because my ears start hurting. So im looking for Over-ear Headset with mic. So far i've tried Razer ManO'war and Sennheiser GSP 300. Razer's quality was terrible. Sennheiser was alot better but the bass wasnt enough. So if there is someone like me who have found a solution, please help me because im getting crazy already. My price range is up to $200. Maybe $250 if the headset is really worth it. Oh, just to mention that my motherboard got really good sound card just to stop comments like "razer are good, you need good sound card".