Heaphones Only Outputting Through One Side


Sep 9, 2015
Hi. My Headphones seem to be working through only one side. I know this is a common problem but its still works kind of. I can still hear myself through my microphone on both sides. But nothing else. I looked it up and most forums said it is probably a loose wire. But there is still some audio in the "broken" side. Could it be something else since it's not completely broken? Thanks!

My Headset: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826104847&cm_re=logitech-_-26-104-847-_-Product
Sounds like a flakey lead, and that could be happening anywhere along its length (from plug to headset).
Your best bet is to try it on other sources.. if it's still whacky, well then.
I have never broken my own PC gaming sets, but my kids sure have. A couple of times I managed to find the bad spot by flexing the wire until it crapped in and out. I did manage to restrain and loop the wire so that it maintained its connection. Replacing the plug, if that's the problem, isn't usually worth the effort


Sounds like a flakey lead, and that could be happening anywhere along its length (from plug to headset).
Your best bet is to try it on other sources.. if it's still whacky, well then.
I have never broken my own PC gaming sets, but my kids sure have. A couple of times I managed to find the bad spot by flexing the wire until it crapped in and out. I did manage to restrain and loop the wire so that it maintained its connection. Replacing the plug, if that's the problem, isn't usually worth the effort