[citation][nom]fixxxer113[/nom]Will this replace the password itself, or just the password creating method? I get how you can use the chaotic pattern of your heart beat to create a strong password, but how will you unlock it with the same method?? The pattern you used to encrypt might never reappear. If i encrypt a file while extremely pissed off will i need to get angry again to decrypt it? If you cant decrypt using the same method it's just a fancy way of creating encryption keys. Although strong, you still have the same issues with distributing/protecting/remembering them.Anyway, I think this is a step in the right direction. People are forced to remember so many passwords these days and having one for many uses is not safe. The solution will be to unlock things simply by your presence, using a combination of biometric data that will not be reproducible. This of course will create new issues for data that is a high value target, because the target of serious criminals will no longer be the owner's password, but the owner himself... But it will be good for consumers. I doubt someone will ever kidnap me to hack my facebook account[/citation]
that is bullshit, heart beat pattern is irregular..
if you gain weight you must reestablish your password couse your heart beat rhythm will change, if you loose too much weight also.. is some stupid way to try to sell some stupid idea as fancy.
President of the united stated set the password with his heart beat reading for the files containing the agreement he negotiated for the Trade of world peace to see if we can end this World War that has being going for the last 20 year. But he had a Cardiac Arrest when he was setting up the password it will be impossible to decrypt it.