MERGED QUESTION Question from Renee-17 : "Hello, I have an LGMS769 model cell phone. It has a new SD card, made for my model phone. When i have downloaded a game, it sa"
Renee-17 :
Sorry...I do not know what a thread is...Not Computer Friendly, but willing to learn
The post you wrote and put up here becomes a thread when it has an answer and hopefully, continues down the thread leading to a fix for your problem. I merged your two threads because they were going nowhere on their own.
We can't help you with this one unless you can tell us what make and model your phone is. That should tell us which version of Android is running the phone.
Sometimes using an SdCard is harder to do than others and it depends on whether the manufacturer or the service provider or both have messed with the system.
Some Apps have to run on the phone's own memory so they can't be moved so tell us which you want to move.