Help finding a reliable antenna for my situation

Apr 10, 2018
I recently "cut the cord" on cable and have not had much luck getting OTA channels. Before I proceed and buy another antenna, I wanted to get some advice on what I should buy or anything I should do differently with my setup.

I originally had one of those flat indoor antennas, which I know are junk. I just bought this antenna from Amazon (which, in retrospect, I realize is probably also junk), and I'm not having the best luck with it either. I can get all of the channels in sightly different orientations of the antenna, but not all at once. All of the transmitter towers for channels I want are in generally the same spot, about 13 miles SW.

I can visually see the towers from my house, save for a large tree about 1/4 mile away that slightly obscures them. I would think that I would be having better luck! Here's a link to my TV Fool signal analysis results:

I'm thinking I will have better luck with an omni- or multi-directional antenna. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks so much in advance!
Apr 10, 2018

Thanks for the suggestions! I should have added that I'm only really interested in picking up the "green" channels, which are all within 15 miles of range. I'm just surprised I'm having so many issues given that I can SEE the towers from my backyard. I think I'll give an antenna like the one you suggested a try.

It seems like the ClearStream antennas have a good reputation and good reviews, I might invest a bit more in one of those instead of trying another off-brand one. Has anyone had any experience with the Antop antennas? I wonder if one like this one would work well? Doesn't seem to have many reviews...