Solved! HELP Finding the best Laptop


Apr 12, 2017

I want to buy a laptop that suits all my needs but I have a maximum budget of around 1000 dollars/euros (I live in Europe).

Firstly a brief introduction,
I'll be going to university next year, but I'm not sure whether to study mechanical or electronic engineering, so, I don't actually know what laptop I should buy.

I read that for heavy duty CAD like, for instance, SolidWorks, Quadros are the best graphics cards that you can get, but, I'm reluctant to buy this kind of laptop because, outside the 3d designing/rendering world, I feel like having one of these GPUs isn't actually worth the money.

I also spend some time outside my home on a monthly basis and during summer break, when I have days off in general. At the moment, whenever I have some long breaks (Summer...) I tend to carry my main computer, which is composed of a GTX 780ti, 16 gigs of ram and an i7 4770k, which runs SW2016 reasonably well if I don't use a lot of assembly parts at the same time, but that I doubt it would be the best choice for university.
The thing is that when I'm not home for a couple of days I waste a lot of work time because I don't have a reasonable good computer on hand and, in a year, I don't think I'll be able to carry my main PC because I'm planning on studying abroad.

So, the main question, What laptop should I get considering my budget?
I want to be able to work with SolidWorks fluently but I would also like to be able to have the raw horsepower that a gtx offers. I mean, summer break is a nice time to do some work but also to play/ edit video, stuff that cannot be done properly with a Quadro (I've read that GTX render faster than Quadros)

Thanks in advance,
I am a graduated engineer and currently going for grad school. I can assure you you won't need to worry about laptops if your school has computer labs(which most likely has). Just buy any decent and lightweight laptop for you to do basic tasks & programs.

Interl Core i5 processor and 8GB RAM, the rest is up to you.

I personally think your laptop might be just fine, you are not working yet are you? Small part aseemblies is all what you'll be doing for the most unless you are asking professors and yor university to give you training on SolidWorks.

GTX 960M or above is enough even for professionals . Rarely do they need a quadro.


Apr 12, 2017
Question from alex2000lopez : "HELP Finding the best laptop"


I want to buy a laptop that suits all my needs but I have a maximum budget of around 1000 dollars/euros (I live in Europe).

Firstly a brief introduction,
I'll be going to university next year, but I'm not sure whether to study mechanical or electronic engineering, so, I don't actually know what laptop I should buy.

I read that for heavy duty CAD like, for instance, SolidWorks, Quadros are the best graphics cards that you can get, but, I'm reluctant to buy this kind of laptop because, outside the 3d designing/rendering world, I feel like having one of these GPUs isn't actually worth the money.

I also spend some time outside my home on a monthly basis and during summer break, when I have days off in general. At the moment, whenever I have some long breaks (Summer...) I tend to carry my main computer, which is composed of a GTX 780ti, 16 gigs of ram and an i7 4770k, which runs SW2016 reasonably well if I don't use a lot of assembly parts at the same time, but that I doubt it would be the best choice for university.
The thing is that when I'm not home for a couple of days I waste a lot of work time because I don't have a reasonable good computer on hand and, in a year, I don't think I'll be able to carry my main PC because I'm planning on studying abroad.

So, the main question, What laptop should I get considering my budget?
I want to be able to work with SolidWorks fluently but I would also like to be able to have the raw horsepower that a gtx offers. I mean, summer break is a nice time to do some work but also to play/ edit video, stuff that cannot be done properly with a Quadro (I've read that GTX render faster than Quadros)

Thanks in advance,


Apr 13, 2017
I am a graduated engineer and currently going for grad school. I can assure you you won't need to worry about laptops if your school has computer labs(which most likely has). Just buy any decent and lightweight laptop for you to do basic tasks & programs.

Interl Core i5 processor and 8GB RAM, the rest is up to you.

I personally think your laptop might be just fine, you are not working yet are you? Small part aseemblies is all what you'll be doing for the most unless you are asking professors and yor university to give you training on SolidWorks.

GTX 960M or above is enough even for professionals . Rarely do they need a quadro.