help! i'm trying to type in word and the letters jump all over the place, i have unexplained jumping backwards, up or down or


Sep 27, 2014
I don't know what s u can see, the cursor keeps jumping all over the place unexpect, but as yoboarening with the keyedly

I will correct the errors above. when writing, the letters jump forward, backward, into the middle of words, or fail to appear when typed. also, i will suddenly find the letters a number of lines above or below where i am typing. is this a keyboard problem that can be repaired, or something worse?


Mar 17, 2015
It happens to me all the time ad well, I have a Sony VAIO laptop. Not only does the cursor skip to other points on the same line or previous lines, it will skip to an identical letter or combination or number, etc. T skips to a previous t, th skips to another th combo, 9 does not skip to 6 or 4, but another 9. This is not random. I do not accidentally brush the touchpad in any way, and it doesn't explain why the spacebar is also iffy.I would be nice to not have my dexterity or intelligence assaulted. Whole words may be changed; endings estimated before typing is finished. Some real answers, please?

First of all, mkpeg never came back, and my answer was not intended to you, so don't worry, your dexterity or intelligence was not assaulted by me.