Solved! Help in solving my speaker issue

Jan 16, 2019
I have an older Samsung Smart TV that I have hooked up through my audio outlet to a great Klipsch soundbar.However, because I am hard of hearing I would like to hook up a bluetooth speaker to put next to where I sit.
I only have one audio outlet to use for external speakers, but I do have a "digital audio optical" outlet (which I have no idea what it is for). Could I buy a transmitter and run it through that outlet to connect a bluetooth speaker without losing my Klipsh speakers?
I am an older fella with limited tech savvy. Any help would be appreciated.
Once you set it to optical out it will kill the other connector

What exactly is the sound bar connected to? I'm trying to see if we can find a splitter for that cable, and put a Bluetooth dongle on it.... I'm making this up as I go along