Help me choose. Lenovo y510p or Acer Aspire v3-722g-9460


If you're all about gaming, you want the Lenovo. The 128GB SSD is nice, but it only means faster loading/booting, it won't affect your gaming experience.
Acer has a slightly faster gaphics card, the Lenovo a slightly faster CPU. I'd stick with Lenovo though, I've heard bad reports about Acer laptops. The Y510p is an excellent machine.

If you're all about gaming, you want the Lenovo. The 128GB SSD is nice, but it only means faster loading/booting, it won't affect your gaming experience.
I have a Lenovo y510p and the wireless is crap! If I had to do it again, I would buy any other laptop. Stay away from this laptop. Or better make me an offer for this piece of junk!

Sorry to hear that, but just because you're having an issue, doesn't mean they're all bad, or that others shouldn't buy it. Lenovo laptops are good machines, I've had personal experience too.

From what I've read, the wireless issue with Y510p is often a driver issue with the intel wireless driver adapter, which is a simple fix. Could be other things to, check this thread for some options: