Help me make my own cooling stand fan


Apr 16, 2013
Basically my laptop gets hot very fast to the point where sometimes it turns off automatically (HP Pavilion DV3, the 3y warranty just expired last march, and from previous experience with another laptop, I had to pay €50ish just for the checkup, maybe have to pay another €50-100 even more to repair, not to mention last time the laptop wont boot from windows after the checkup and Asus wont reinstall the windows, basically it was a long traumatic story)

at this moment I used generic laptop fan from ebay with 3 fans underneath + desk fan next to the laptop.
Now I want to make my own so I can use 5-6 fans, put the fans under the laptop hot spots (similar to Cooler Master notepal) and power it via 12v Ac adapter.

The question:
1. Which 1 better / easier to connect to the adapter, the 3 pins / cables or the 4 pins ?

2. What to look for? is higher CFM = better cooling? How bout RPM, is it the same higher = better ?

3. I'm planning to connect it to LED strip connector ( so I don't really need to solder or something. I'm wondering which cable (color) to use for negative current and which cable for positive current?

4. What to do with the rest of the unused cables?

5. Assuming each fan needs 0.3A, and I use 5 fans, is it better to have 2A adapter or exactly the right A that I need (0.3A x 5fan = 1.5A)?

Thank you so much
The question is....why is it getting so hot? Blow the dust out of it. Don't use it on a soft surface. You may have too many things running in the background.

I know laptops run hot anyway, but shutting off automatically due to heat brings up red flags to me.
Identify the problem and fix that. Don't just throw new stuff at it.

I always use it on the table, and during the warranty period I was chatting online with HP cs, and he cannot do anything obvious besides taking off the battery, clean it, run this and that and for few weeks it was ok until it happens again.

You might be correct, probably I am running to many things in the background but I dunno which 1 i really need. As for the obvious thing I always open internet, yahoo msg, kaspersky and bit torrent