Help needed w/a 4508 unit



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Hey Steph & John & all replayers,
Sorry about the delay in response from the previous post.
Anyway, the touble w/my non-modified 4508 started one afternoon when the
unit was in the off mode (ac was plugged in obviously but I didn't have it
connected to a phone line or networked at that moment). It shows the Please
Wait screen. The unit doesn't soft boot & when I unplug it to hard boot,
still the same Please Wait screen.
I also have audio/video sync problems w/this unit. If I record anything over
an hour in duration, the audio is slightly behind the video after the first
hour of playback.
Now, I can easily change drives but I really need a couple of shows off the
existing drive. I've never used rtv extract.
What worried me most is the audio/video sync problem. I don't know if that
is a hard drive issue or if it's a motherboard issue. If the audio/video
sync problem is not correctable w/a new hard drive, I'd rather just send the
unit back to replay for a 5500 series. I have a couple of 5000 series units
so I'll still be able to network w/others.

Any/all suggestions are appreciated.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

maalox wrote:
> Hey Steph & John & all replayers,
> Sorry about the delay in response from the previous post.
> Anyway, the touble w/my non-modified 4508 started one afternoon when the
> unit was in the off mode (ac was plugged in obviously but I didn't have it
> connected to a phone line or networked at that moment). It shows the Please
> Wait screen. The unit doesn't soft boot & when I unplug it to hard boot,
> still the same Please Wait screen.
> I also have audio/video sync problems w/this unit. If I record anything over
> an hour in duration, the audio is slightly behind the video after the first
> hour of playback.
> Now, I can easily change drives but I really need a couple of shows off the
> existing drive. I've never used rtv extract.
> What worried me most is the audio/video sync problem. I don't know if that
> is a hard drive issue or if it's a motherboard issue. If the audio/video
> sync problem is not correctable w/a new hard drive, I'd rather just send the
> unit back to replay for a 5500 series. I have a couple of 5000 series units
> so I'll still be able to network w/others.
Your HD is most likely going bad. If extract can see the files,you can
transfer them to PC, but the sync problem will remain. Womble's fixer
may be able to repair the sync problem.