Help or ideas on freezing issues


Feb 27, 2013
Hi everyone, i was hoping someone would be able to help me out on some annoying freezing issues i'm having on my laptop. Its only a cheap laptop but i'd rather see if i can fix it before i put money into a new one :)

So here goes...

Symptoms - freezes randomly on flash videos (youtube ect). freezes on facebook at random times. freezes when i open utorrent randomly.
When the laptop freezes nothing works. its completely unresponsive and if sound is playing it drags and makes an awful noise.

Never freezes when using desktop or running media player or any other cpu intensive programs like sony acid.

System - Toshiba Satellite pro c650, intel celeron 2.4ghz, 2gb ram, windows 7 ultimate.

Things i've already tried to fix the issue - Firstly i did virus scans with kaspersky 2013 (all clear), i then removed kaspersky thinking that may be the issue and installed avast (all clear again) i still had the issue so i removed all anti virus progs and tested to see if i till got freezing and i did so i reinstalled my anti virus.

Secondly i updated all drivers in sounds and graphics. After that failed i cleaned inside of the laptop to make sure no overheating and it seems nice and cool but still had the issue.

I then removed the ram and reseated them, and after that tested each ram slot and ram module individually.

Last thing i've tried is trying a new power lead still freezing grrr.

Next i'm gonna try changing the hard drive but after that i'm all out of ideas..... (When the freezing finishes it does sound like a slight click in the hard drive as if something is stuck and being released?)

This only started happening after microsoft security essentials found a nasty virus (Alureon A) on my laptop and i had to format my hard drive to remove it.
Since then i've tried 2 fresh installs of windows because i thought the freezing may have been a corrupt OS install.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated as i'm running out of ideas fast. :(

Thanks in advance.



Mar 21, 2012
Might try some of these:

before getting a new drive to try and narrow it down.

How old is the laptop?


Feb 27, 2013
Hi thanks for the quick reply, the laptop is around 3yrs so its pretty old.
I have a few spare hard drives kicking arbout so i was just going to install an OS on one of them and switch them for a test.


May 23, 2012
I'm with Brett.. clicking sounds in a hard drive is usually a bad thing, like impending DOOM!

(Lol sorry, too much coffee.. seriously though, good luck and make sure you have backups!)



Feb 27, 2013
Thanks for the replies, i ran a hard drive test and everything shows good.

I set the test to repair and it ran through and booted up not showing any problems.

I'll run the laptop and see if i get a freeze again and if so i'll put ina test hard drive and run that.

Beyond that only thing i can think of is something corrupt in gpu but not sure that would even give these symptons?

Everything got backedup the fist time it happened.

Another thing is, if it freezes and i do a hard shut down then all my usernames and history gets erased so not sure if that can point to anything?


Mar 21, 2012
Chocolate teapot... Had to look that one up. Why must American English be so bland? On a positive note, we don't add an extraneous "u" after an "o" in words like "color." Think of all the bits saved by that simple change!

Well crap. The "u" is kind of extraneous in extraneous.

Hi :)

I like your thinking...

But Chocolate Teapot is sort of sensible, if you think about what would happen if you added boiling water for Tea to a teapot made of

How about another ... One sandwich short of a picnic (means not quite all there mentally) said when someone says something silly or stupid...

All the best Brett :)



Feb 27, 2013
I changed the hard drive out last night and this morning got a freeze (all be it a small one) running a flash video.
so looks like we can count out failing hard drive.