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* RG wrote in
> "SINNER" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9636AC933615Louiscypherhellorg@
>> * RG Wrote in
>> > FYI, so you won't get confused, I am bottom posting responses to
>> > several of your comments.
>> [please note the poorly wrapped text from your broken newsreader]
> Yeah but it's the newsreader I have and it's really all I want to have.
So FIX it. Do you drive your car for thousands of miles when the muffler
has a hole without fixing it?
> This
> also further proves my point, you guys just can't ignore anything can you?
Cant ignore it because it is not ignorable, it screws with the flow of
the conversation which is the primary purpose of Usenet to begin with.
If the quote levels aren't valid how is one to know who said what?
>> > I grasp exactly what is
>> > happening here. I see anal-retentive people trying to force their
>> > thoughts on other people.
>> You mean like the state legistlature telling you can only drive 55 on
>> the highway? If you break that law do you always get a ticket? No,
>> does it piss other moterists off? sometimes. does it result in road
>> rage? yes. So you have road rage because YOU did something wrong or
>> the someone you dont even know did and was called on it?
> Seems to me you usenet cops are the ones suffering from rage.
You were the one who posted about being disgusted. Me, I'm fine, thanks
for asking.
>>Usenet is
>> self policing, its is still around BECAUSE of it not in spite of it.
>> deal with, learn to use a killfile or go read a web forum.
> I think it is still around in spite of you usenet cops, not because of you.
You'd be wrong.
> I think you need to take your own advice also "deal with, learn to use a
> killfile or go read a web forum"
No thanks. I can conform, in fact I have. It wasn't difficult, really.
>> > You can say what you want but the fact
>> > remains that you or your fellow usenet cops got involved in a
>> > thread for no other reason than to tell someone they weren't
>> > posting correctly.
>> So?
> My point exactly.
There was no point, hence the 'So?'
>> >> Nobody's arguing about "rules" or laws, they're discussing
>> >> "polite" conventions. We deal with these every day in everyday
>> >> activities, so it's not a new thing.
>> > Perhaps you need to read my response again, I never used the terms
>> > rules or laws.
>> > Where I come from it is considered very rude and low class to
>> > correct someone in a public situation especially when it involves
>> > harmless behavior. I guess your idea of "polite" conventions
>> > includes everyone doing things the way you prefer.
>> Where I come from its considered rude to go into someone elses haouse
>> and leave your shoed on if they ask you to take them off.
> But usenet isn't your house, it is a public building.
So is it OK to act a fool in a public place or are there accepted
conventions for entering for instance, the court house?
>> > It isn't equivalent to any of those physical activities. I can't
>> > ignore you talking in a theater or walking on the wrong side but
>> > usenet isn't a physical world and don't compare it to the physical
>> > world.
>> I cant IGNORE you until I see the behavior, same in the physical
>> world.
> Sure you can, with a killfile. You don't have to look in every post.
So because you cant follow a few simple 'suggestions' I need to become
clairvoyant now? Now that I have seen the behavior, yes I can killfile
you but why bother.
>> > I think it is easier for everyone to post however they want in
>> > usenet
>> Anarchy rules, yeah that works...
> That kinda sums up a usenet cop's personality doesn't it? Top posting is
> real anarchy.......and anything else that isn't done exactly how you think
> it should be
Dude, seriously, get a grip. Were you allowed out past 7 on school
nights? Rules really aren't that bad. Your post denouncing the standards
is just as uninviting as net copping.
>> > while you think it is better for everyone to post the way
>> > you want.
>> That where you are missing the point, he wants everyone to post THE
>> SAME and LOGICALLY not HIS way, the established way.
> Drivel, just absolute drivel.
Funny how that drivel has been and continues to be the standard.
>> So that means they should be ignored? Like not swimming after you eat
>> or not standing under a tree in a lightning storm?
> That was not a part of my post.
Yes, I know. Its that damn client of yours making one second guess the
quote levels.
>> I'm sure with posts like this one you get ignored quite a bit. Whose
>> loss is that exactly?
> Killfile me. I think I can handle having you ignore me.
Too much effort on someone I could care less about, killfiles are for
trolls and spam.
>> > Top posting causes you no real physical problems.
>> Unless you consider trying to read something that is out of order a
>> physical problem.
> I don't, do you?
Yes. Reading is a physical act and posting out of order makes this act
more difficult.
>> > If you just
>> > can't stand top posting then don't read them. It's as simply as
>> > that.
>> Got to open it to see it top posted.
> I think it is safe to say that some of my posts will be top posted. Kilfile
> me, save yourself some trouble.
It's no trouble, really
> My last thoughts on this subject:
> 1. Usenet is not the real world. Analogies with the real world are not
> valid.
Complete and utter nonsense, its quotes like that, that create keyboard
> 2. Many people top post because in many cases it is the logical way to post.
If you are playing Jeopardy maybe.
> 3. Many people will post how they want and a few will bitch about it. Others
> will either read the posts or not.
And still others will do the right thing and conform.
> 4. Usenet is full of anal-retentive people who once read something and
> forever take it to be true when in reality everything changes. The language
> changes, the internet changes, cars change, morals change, everything
> changes. Deal with it.
Yet reading English hasn't changed in at least my 37 years. I still read
from top to bottom and left to right.
> 5. If usenet cops feel enabled to call people out when they don't approve of
> the posting style, then they should expect the same treatment from people
> that are less regimented.
> 6. You say what you want about Godwin's law, but the fact remains you usenet
> cops would have made fine Nazis.
So anyone that follows rules is a NA*I? We all know when you drop the
keyboard you don't really act like that.
> 7. It must be really tough going though life like you people do. You can't
> control the physical world so you try like hell to control the usenet world.
I have total control over everything effecting my life. You should read
Seven Habits ...
> 8. I would bet that most of you usenet cops were only children. I would
> further bet that if I looked in your kitchen cabinets all the glasses would
> be lined up in a perfect grid.
Neither of those are true of me.
> My advice to you would be to killfile me. I will probably killfile you.
Se la vie...
We're here to give you a computer, not a religion.
- attributed to Bob Pariseau, at the introduction of the Amiga
* RG wrote in
> "SINNER" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9636AC933615Louiscypherhellorg@
>> * RG Wrote in
>> > FYI, so you won't get confused, I am bottom posting responses to
>> > several of your comments.
>> [please note the poorly wrapped text from your broken newsreader]
> Yeah but it's the newsreader I have and it's really all I want to have.
So FIX it. Do you drive your car for thousands of miles when the muffler
has a hole without fixing it?
> This
> also further proves my point, you guys just can't ignore anything can you?
Cant ignore it because it is not ignorable, it screws with the flow of
the conversation which is the primary purpose of Usenet to begin with.
If the quote levels aren't valid how is one to know who said what?
>> > I grasp exactly what is
>> > happening here. I see anal-retentive people trying to force their
>> > thoughts on other people.
>> You mean like the state legistlature telling you can only drive 55 on
>> the highway? If you break that law do you always get a ticket? No,
>> does it piss other moterists off? sometimes. does it result in road
>> rage? yes. So you have road rage because YOU did something wrong or
>> the someone you dont even know did and was called on it?
> Seems to me you usenet cops are the ones suffering from rage.
You were the one who posted about being disgusted. Me, I'm fine, thanks
for asking.
>>Usenet is
>> self policing, its is still around BECAUSE of it not in spite of it.
>> deal with, learn to use a killfile or go read a web forum.
> I think it is still around in spite of you usenet cops, not because of you.
You'd be wrong.
> I think you need to take your own advice also "deal with, learn to use a
> killfile or go read a web forum"
No thanks. I can conform, in fact I have. It wasn't difficult, really.
>> > You can say what you want but the fact
>> > remains that you or your fellow usenet cops got involved in a
>> > thread for no other reason than to tell someone they weren't
>> > posting correctly.
>> So?
> My point exactly.
There was no point, hence the 'So?'
>> >> Nobody's arguing about "rules" or laws, they're discussing
>> >> "polite" conventions. We deal with these every day in everyday
>> >> activities, so it's not a new thing.
>> > Perhaps you need to read my response again, I never used the terms
>> > rules or laws.
>> > Where I come from it is considered very rude and low class to
>> > correct someone in a public situation especially when it involves
>> > harmless behavior. I guess your idea of "polite" conventions
>> > includes everyone doing things the way you prefer.
>> Where I come from its considered rude to go into someone elses haouse
>> and leave your shoed on if they ask you to take them off.
> But usenet isn't your house, it is a public building.
So is it OK to act a fool in a public place or are there accepted
conventions for entering for instance, the court house?
>> > It isn't equivalent to any of those physical activities. I can't
>> > ignore you talking in a theater or walking on the wrong side but
>> > usenet isn't a physical world and don't compare it to the physical
>> > world.
>> I cant IGNORE you until I see the behavior, same in the physical
>> world.
> Sure you can, with a killfile. You don't have to look in every post.
So because you cant follow a few simple 'suggestions' I need to become
clairvoyant now? Now that I have seen the behavior, yes I can killfile
you but why bother.
>> > I think it is easier for everyone to post however they want in
>> > usenet
>> Anarchy rules, yeah that works...
> That kinda sums up a usenet cop's personality doesn't it? Top posting is
> real anarchy.......and anything else that isn't done exactly how you think
> it should be
Dude, seriously, get a grip. Were you allowed out past 7 on school
nights? Rules really aren't that bad. Your post denouncing the standards
is just as uninviting as net copping.
>> > while you think it is better for everyone to post the way
>> > you want.
>> That where you are missing the point, he wants everyone to post THE
>> SAME and LOGICALLY not HIS way, the established way.
> Drivel, just absolute drivel.
Funny how that drivel has been and continues to be the standard.
>> So that means they should be ignored? Like not swimming after you eat
>> or not standing under a tree in a lightning storm?
> That was not a part of my post.
Yes, I know. Its that damn client of yours making one second guess the
quote levels.
>> I'm sure with posts like this one you get ignored quite a bit. Whose
>> loss is that exactly?
> Killfile me. I think I can handle having you ignore me.
Too much effort on someone I could care less about, killfiles are for
trolls and spam.
>> > Top posting causes you no real physical problems.
>> Unless you consider trying to read something that is out of order a
>> physical problem.
> I don't, do you?
Yes. Reading is a physical act and posting out of order makes this act
more difficult.
>> > If you just
>> > can't stand top posting then don't read them. It's as simply as
>> > that.
>> Got to open it to see it top posted.
> I think it is safe to say that some of my posts will be top posted. Kilfile
> me, save yourself some trouble.
It's no trouble, really
> My last thoughts on this subject:
> 1. Usenet is not the real world. Analogies with the real world are not
> valid.
Complete and utter nonsense, its quotes like that, that create keyboard
> 2. Many people top post because in many cases it is the logical way to post.
If you are playing Jeopardy maybe.
> 3. Many people will post how they want and a few will bitch about it. Others
> will either read the posts or not.
And still others will do the right thing and conform.
> 4. Usenet is full of anal-retentive people who once read something and
> forever take it to be true when in reality everything changes. The language
> changes, the internet changes, cars change, morals change, everything
> changes. Deal with it.
Yet reading English hasn't changed in at least my 37 years. I still read
from top to bottom and left to right.
> 5. If usenet cops feel enabled to call people out when they don't approve of
> the posting style, then they should expect the same treatment from people
> that are less regimented.
> 6. You say what you want about Godwin's law, but the fact remains you usenet
> cops would have made fine Nazis.
So anyone that follows rules is a NA*I? We all know when you drop the
keyboard you don't really act like that.
> 7. It must be really tough going though life like you people do. You can't
> control the physical world so you try like hell to control the usenet world.
I have total control over everything effecting my life. You should read
Seven Habits ...
> 8. I would bet that most of you usenet cops were only children. I would
> further bet that if I looked in your kitchen cabinets all the glasses would
> be lined up in a perfect grid.
Neither of those are true of me.
> My advice to you would be to killfile me. I will probably killfile you.
Se la vie...
We're here to give you a computer, not a religion.
- attributed to Bob Pariseau, at the introduction of the Amiga