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>Steve, Kraig has been posting on this ng for many years
I respect that, as I respect all of you. I acknowledge and enoy the fact that
you all have vast experience with the LD format and I find this board to be a
great source of shared knowledge, even though I may not always act as such. But
his long-standing presence here does not make his innapropriate behavior any
more acceptable.
>Originally, he
>was quite interested in the format and would relate his activities in
>regards to acquiring decent players
Which, I believe, is largely what this board was created for. Anyone who is as
disinterested in Laserdisc and as disgusted with those of us who still choose
to enjoy the format as Kraig is doesn't really have any reason to be posting
here. He seems to to think his reason for posting is to show us all the "right
way" and to lambast us with his "holier than thou" attitude and I personally
find it disgusting.
>It's only in recent years, with the advent of great quality dvd
>players, superior HD monitors and a vast library of dvd titles, that
>Kraig has been tweaking the noses of LD enthusiasts.
I don't think anyone here is or ever has tried to downplay the obvious
superiority of the DVD format. It seems to me that we all own and enjoy DVD
players and, in many cases, large libraries of DVD software. There's certainly
some room here for a little *friendly* DVD Vs. LD discussion, and a little
debate on what makes the LD format viable to us. What there isn't room for,
IMO, is habitual and outright lying, the regular and severe twisting of words
or the obvious penchant for starting flamewars that Kraig seems to enjoy.
>I can't see the logic in coming here and insulting people. I've often
>wondered why Kraig doesn't visit the CED format ng's and really go to
Or the VHS board for that matter, or the Beta board. Why someone so enthralled
with DVD and so obviously disgusted with the LD format and those who enjoy it
would spend ANY time here is beyond me.
>I mean, HELL, LD players are still being built, in the
>form of Karaoke players!
Pioneer still sells the CLD-R5 and DVL-919 in Japan and discs were printed
there up to 2001. It's not as if we're talking about reel to reel audio for
home use.
>I hereby implore Kraig to go load up his guns, visit the CED
>talkgroups, and Lay Waste to THOSE technological misfits for awhile
I agree. =) As a side note, I'm well aware if the fact that I've been a bit of
a misfit, and on occasion even a bit annoying. However, I can promise the
members of this board that it's been unintentional. And as I learn more and
more about Laserdisc and I become more invested in the format, I make a greater
effort to participate here in a friendly, productive and "un-annoying" manner.
And with the exception of Kraig, I hold no ill-will here.
Steve Grauman