Home gaming laptop

yeah man, look for a 6 in the second digit of te model number. ( 8600m gt, Hd 2600, 3650 and so on) and you should be fine. note you will prolly have to turn the settings down a bit.
Gateway P7811FX at Best Buy PRICE- $1249 and you get a free game of your choice...
Intels latest Centrino 2 Core 2 2.26 Ghz CPU
4 Gigs DDR3 1066MHZ Ram
Nvidia 9800M GTS 512 Meg
200 Gig 7200RPM SATA
Extra Hard Drive Bay
17 Inch LCD 1920x120 Resolution
Full Keyboard with full Numpad
5 in 1 media reader
Dual Layer DVDRW
Vista Home Premium 64 BIT w SP1

An awesome machine for the money.... !!!

I just got it and loaded COD4, set it up for 1920x1200 maxed all settings and it sits at 40FPS or so. Not to shabby in my book. I think i am going to take off AA since I am running such a high res and that should add 10-20 FPS I am guessing...