Homeland Security Testing 'Crime Predicting' Technology

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If DHS could just tweak this system to detect cheating (pre-cheating) spouse, that would be one very marketable and profitable machine. 😀
"It's like trying to see the future with a cracked crystal ball."

It's like trying to see the future with a new crystal ball - they don't work, regardless of whether they're cracked or not. The same applies to this garbage - every time the device has a malfunction, it's working just as well as it was when it was functioning correctly...
Will make it easier to streamline human capital.

Now I can just scan to see which employees are "stressed" aka passive-agressive and fire them.
what in gods great earth has minority report got to do with this, the premise is the same but the execution is completely different, ive got a device at home which is far cheaper and probably more accurate then this machine, it's called the magic eight ball.... they might as well call this device the random full body cavity search victim selector

wont be long before the TSA would require all passengers carry an electronic probe which will determine whether your going to take hostile actions or not in your rectal cavity
[citation][nom]Cryptik[/nom]and what about those people with personality disorders such as AvPD, social phobia, schizoid or just people with a general nervous disposition. surely they will be constantly harassed by this sort of tech making it even harder for them to be a part of society.[/citation]

AvPD, Is that Aliens vs predators disorder....?
It's not minority report, but rather Criminal Minds/CSI/Law & Order type of deal, except automated.

Fact: automated anything is less accurate and reliable than compared to a person.

-How do you expect for this to work if it wants to "non-intrusively" collect information"?
-Not going to collect data, after all, that's the same thing they claimed for body scanners and pictures leaked onto the net. How do pictures leak when it stores no data?

FAST program, tracks body language, vocal pitch, eye moment and blink rate, even body temperature using infrared sensors and pressure pads.

Sounds much like a money-wasting, privacy-destroying, otherwise no purpose lie detector doesn't it?
Border crossings? Jesus H Christ, you don't need this technology to fix the border..you just need to do it. The only reason you'd push this technology is to use it as a scape-goat. Obama? I think he WANTS illegal immigrants coming into this country in their millions - which they do. The numbers getting across the border are simply staggering and so is the resultant impact on resource allocation, welfare, crime and also environmental damage. The scale of this issue is so severe that unless drastic measures are taken, US population will explode in just decades. Indeed, already in California the Latino population has doubled in just a few decades. Most of the population increase is due to immigration. Even the border's own leftist propaganda, openly states the system is not working.

Such technology will do absolutely nothing to address real issues. But there again, looking at Obama - and Bush - why would I be surprised at that? Isn't there yet another corporate war on the horizon? Aren't there yet more vague, funny-sounding people with strange clothes to blame for all the problems in the world? You know.. the one's trained by the CI... yada yada yada.

Just rest assured that if you're European, middle-class, you may just see this crap being taunted about by some over-zealous bigot in a uniform, should you have the temerity of wanting to enter the United States a) legally and b), for legitimate reasons. Meanwhile, countless numbers of drug runners, arms smugglers, people smugglers, gang-banging scum can enter the country via the border with Mexico. No scans for them. We have to worry about terrorism you see, and criminals. Especially those who can smell bullshit.
This could be used to assist the security personnel in monitoring the crowd. Usually (especially border defense) guards check out people doing highly suspicious activities/behavior. This system will (hopefully) help track them easily.
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