How can I be (almost) 100% anonymous while browsing the deep web?

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Jan 16, 2016
My dream after discovering what an IP was was to be 100% anonymous while browsing the internet. That was until I realized that there's really no point in trying, since one VPN is enough. Then I discovered the deep web. Now I'm a pretty curious person, so I generally find it fun to browse the deep web. The issue for me though isn't getting caught by the FBI; it's being safe from the criminals operating the shadier sites.

Anyways, I want to be as anonymous as possible on the deep web, because the last thing I want is my personal information on Cloud9 or Doxbin. So far, I have Tor, scripts disabled in Tor, connection through obfs4 bridge, and I never maximize my browser fully. Is there anyway to get even safer than this? Also, if the suggestion is proxy or VPN, please make it a free one.
Hello there, im already been in DeppWeb... for personal reasons... Well i can suggest you , using "CyberGhost" the most best VPN out-there, safe and easy to use.

Using that for long time, no problems.. Just make sure when u browsing DeepWeb u have enabled "CyberGhost" after u close Tor browser, better stay with VPN for some minutes, then Log-Out from the CyberGhost.

Done this almost Month.

The link :
its free to use, so u dont need to pay anything.
one thing, (Free Users) need to wait like 2-3min to get VPN ready, its like somekind of Queue. Because many FreeUsers use this.

i`m payed for this so i dont need to wait anything.
My friend also use this , and he has FreeUser License. No problems.!

Have Fun!

EDIT: u dont need to change PC, or get into public WiFi.. because browsing DeepWeb the first
layer and the second will not be problem , but just dont go in the Black Area, where the things is more shoking and out-there u will be never safe with VPN or without, its doesnt matter, because in there are Many CyberHackers and people which works for (illuminati its just a theory)

Just use normal DeepWeb like (BlackMarket, DeepWeb Wikipedia or something like that) ,
Also dont worry u CAN'T accidentally be in the Last Layer of the Black Deep Web... to get there u need to know what u doing... SO DONT WORRY.!

Stay safe with VPN, and browse SAFE.

something like this

I don't prefer browsing safe, that's the thing, I like getting as deep as possible. How do I be safe in that sense?
public access from a laptop with nothing identifiable on it would be the safest after the other stuff you are already doing. can't ever keep someone out who really wants in, but you can make sure there is nothing to find if someone does get in. a laptop with literally nothing on it but windows and browsing stuff leaves nothing to worry about getting out. no saved logins, cache, cookies nothing. public wifi ensures they can't get personal addresses/ip or otherwise, from you.

really is the best way to be "safe" when tempting fate with these dark alley corners of the web. been there done that and just being there was pretty much asking to be probed (and not in the good alien kind of way). this is how i did it myself when putting myself out there like that.

And what are you going to do when they log into the WAP and see the log of your MAC address? It's the same deal as the ISP seeing the traffic. Maybe the OP doesn't care, but the anonymity of the public WiFi doesn't help much.

Regardless, this topic is starting to push the line on some of the forum rules. We need to rein it in or I'll have to close it.

By not pissing someone off.
You can cruise around the DeepDarkScareyWeb all you want. No one cares.
But piss someone off, and they will chase you down, no matter what pitiful anonymizing efforts you make.

Well I certainly wouldn't piss someone off, I mean I don't even make logins or anything, I just browse around to see how deep I can get. But can't some sites automatically get the IP of people who go onto the website?

Eventually, that data ends up at your personal IP address. Given enough time and energy, someone could figure that out.

Just like actual snailmail. No matter how many dead drops it goes through...eventually it ends up at your door.
tor and all that masks your ip since it runs it through so many places and does not keep records of where it came from or where it is going. that's how it is so anonymous. obviously not 100% anon but good enough. the feds have tracked ip's but did it from inside the network from a compromised point they controlled.

that's why we have suggested public wifi so even if it is traced, it is not back to you, but rather to the local starbucks :)

you're asking for safety in a very unsafe place and this is the best that can be offered really. snowden put out some guides on how to be as safe as possible (he's kinda trying to stay off people's radar right now) and that was almost the first thing he listed. use public access and not personal access.
A good VPN and a virtual machine is really all you need. VPN will encrypt all traffic even if the site is logging information. Use virtual machine, then connect to your vpn through openvpn then open tor. Even if you somehow get infected or hacked its your virtual machine... theres nothing on it. Linux is always safer as it requires root to change any important setting.
rhetorical question perhaps, but how will you actually know for sure that you really ARE anonymous and hidden? not like you can ask the other guy "hey, can you see me? know who i am?" - cuz that'll just cause them to find you even more so than if you didn't ask in the first place.

you can't ask if you're anonymous cuz that'll tip your hand and cause you to be not-anonymous.

catch-22, sort of.
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